I always found travelling in the Arab countries rather unsettling for that very reason - if the **** did hit the fan, how long would it take to sought out? Was my apprehension due to cultural differences or lack of fluency in the language? Things were very different back then in 1965 and certainly the ex military vehicle we were using to travel in did raise eyebrows in some countries - though Mr Franco's Spain was the one with the most 'officialdom' showing the raised arm of 'Halt' in the middle of some empty country road. These Spanish motorcycle cops used to cause great amusement when they pulled you over. All the bikes had a large box on the rear rack, and initially we thought 'radio'. But no; every cop went through the same ritual when they stopped in front of you - Dismount to lefthand side of bike, take off pudding basin crash hat and place same on seat of machine, open lid of box, remove from box a dress or ceremonial hat (that looked like the hats worn by our Hussar gun team troopers when displaying the 18 pdr guns), put hat on head and arrange by peering into the hand mirror, that also came out of the box! He then walked to the near side (UK) of our truck and opened the door - expecting the driver. **** not there, right hand drive UK vehicle! This went on for the four days it took us to travel from the French/Spanish boarder to Algeciras, and some weeks later the four day return journey! Very happy and amusing times!