While waiting for Kingrat, Lutex and Mark to get here, I had 45 minutes to kill. So opted for a wander around the converted asylums.
Long Grove was first, being a good example of what Hellingly or Severalls might look like following conversion. Maybe they'll keep the tower this time?
Preserved ward blocks are nice to see - a lot of hospitals had them knocked down, keeping only a couple, in addition to Admin.
Admin here is a big Manor House style building, very similar in style to the wards, with big bay windows and contrasting brick work.
I drove to Horton next. In my opinion this is one of the worst conversions. If you're not looking for the Asylum buildings, you won't really notice them. IIRC, this was converted in 2005, and various parts were left sealed, including the Water Tower and the Chapel, in addition to a few villas at the front of the hospital.
The Chapel is sealed, with warnings of CCTV and alarms on the doors. I would like to see inside this one though, sometime maybe?
The Water Tower is sealed at the bottom - you can see where the corridors would have joined it if you walk around to the far side. As far as I can see, access is impossible, unless you took a JCB
Manor was next up, and there is little of this hospital left. The Admin Block and some ancillary buildings remain, but no wards, no Hall, no Chapel, as far as I could see.
West Park and St Ebbas will get their own reports.
As we left Ebbas, The Sun was going down the Tower of Horton was silhouetted.
Long Grove was first, being a good example of what Hellingly or Severalls might look like following conversion. Maybe they'll keep the tower this time?
Preserved ward blocks are nice to see - a lot of hospitals had them knocked down, keeping only a couple, in addition to Admin.
Admin here is a big Manor House style building, very similar in style to the wards, with big bay windows and contrasting brick work.
I drove to Horton next. In my opinion this is one of the worst conversions. If you're not looking for the Asylum buildings, you won't really notice them. IIRC, this was converted in 2005, and various parts were left sealed, including the Water Tower and the Chapel, in addition to a few villas at the front of the hospital.
The Chapel is sealed, with warnings of CCTV and alarms on the doors. I would like to see inside this one though, sometime maybe?
The Water Tower is sealed at the bottom - you can see where the corridors would have joined it if you walk around to the far side. As far as I can see, access is impossible, unless you took a JCB
Manor was next up, and there is little of this hospital left. The Admin Block and some ancillary buildings remain, but no wards, no Hall, no Chapel, as far as I could see.
West Park and St Ebbas will get their own reports.
As we left Ebbas, The Sun was going down the Tower of Horton was silhouetted.
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