Well-known member
I visited Birkwood this afternoon, it was a nice day for it
I didn't realise the scale of this hospital site, I thought it would just be one or two buildings, safe to say I was pleasantly surprised!!
I can't find much info on the place, the main building dates from 1856, although an extension has been added on in 1890.
Front Entrance
That's a caravan you can see on the right, I'm guessing it's for security, although no-one was in it.
[/url] Birkwood Front Entrance by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
I was surprised at the lack of vandalism.
[/url] Birkwood by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Ding Dong!
[/url] Ding Dong! by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Front Door
[/url] Front Door by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url] Stores by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
This Way!
[/url] Recreation/Dining by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Interior of one of the Huts... note the mattresses...
[/url] Interior by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Back of Oldest Building
[/url] Back of Oldest part of Hospital by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Toy Library
[/url] Toy Library by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Stairs. I didn't venture up... I didn't take a flashlight
[/url] Stairs by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Nice Floor
[/url] Creepy Hallway shot by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
Nice Curtains
[/url] Interior by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
1856... Sandstone looks like new
[/url] 1856 by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url] 1890 by corn_flake, on Flickr[/IMG]
So that's it. Not many interior shots ..... the darkness got the best of me!!
Thanks for looking!!
I didn't realise the scale of this hospital site, I thought it would just be one or two buildings, safe to say I was pleasantly surprised!!
I can't find much info on the place, the main building dates from 1856, although an extension has been added on in 1890.
Front Entrance
That's a caravan you can see on the right, I'm guessing it's for security, although no-one was in it.
I was surprised at the lack of vandalism.
Ding Dong!
Front Door
This Way!
Interior of one of the Huts... note the mattresses...
Back of Oldest Building
Toy Library
Stairs. I didn't venture up... I didn't take a flashlight
Nice Floor
Nice Curtains
1856... Sandstone looks like new
So that's it. Not many interior shots ..... the darkness got the best of me!!
Thanks for looking!!