Broadford Works, Scotland Meet Feb 2009

Derelict Places

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Up a drainpipe near you
The story starts early, 5.00am to be precise. A slightly hung over Bryag needs to get himself into a fit state to drive, it was my turn after all. After a couple of cups of tea, a tomato juice with Tabasco and Lee & Perrins, and a generic pro-biotic yoghurt, Bryag was 100% A-OK!

A short drive to pick up Zimbob, and our adventure starts.

6.15am was our set off time for an 8.30 am meet in a layby just outside Inverurie. With some good fortune and some superb driving (if I do say so myself) we arrive at our primary destination with 45 minutes to spare. We await the others, but partake of a hearty breakfast in the converted bus/café at the meeting point.

Lost and MelvinBMX arrive around 8.30am, however our southern compadre’s are less punctual.

EVENTUALLY the rest of the Scotland meet arrives and we are off. Due to the large number, we are limited to locations we can visit, so we split up into two groups and head off to our preferred explores.

Now, I have to skip the middle bit (for editorial purposes) as we had a couple of explores before this one, and this was our final explore of the day.

Broadford Works has always been of interest to me, and has been done previously and better by others, but when presented with the offer of access, I jumped at the chance. Zimbob was less enthusiastic than me, as we had had two close calls previously (one with comedic results!) so it was like third time unlucky, but hell, we do not get the opportunity this often, so what the hell! If we get caught, we get caught!

Once inside, it was obvious, due to the size of the site, capture was unlikely. That being said, a fleeting glance of Lost wearing black and carrying a stick (tripod) gave me a minor coronary! Still, all good fun.

Once we had arrived, we were already chasing the sun, light was poor and 30 second exposures were required for most shots. For this reason, my pictures are more documentary than artistic. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!

On with the pictures then!

First Impressions





Bits and Bobs

Loading Bay

One (of several large rooms (once full of looms I would assume, as were many floors!)





More loom space

A view form the window of the granite building on to the red brick building

Spare parts

NOT bunk beds!

“Wooley, wooley, wooley, wooley, Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhhhhh!”(To the tune of Ruby, by the Kaiser Chiefs)

I hope Donkey Kong jumped before this happened!?!?!?



From the courtyard


Aberdeen by night



The infamous tower (no we didn’t!)

This was a great end to a brilliant day. Thanks to all who took part, and to those who took part in an advisory capacity. It was a good day. I look forward to meeting you all again!


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The 'striding about trying to look official' business obviously worked! I was worried you'd gone back to the cars for some reason, and was even more worried about bumping into some undesirables on my own since the security is so piss poor.
Nice pics, you covered a lot more of the internals than I did. I am a bit depressed with the state of the works, I haven't been in a while and it seems a lot more trashed with graffiti and broken everything. I also heard that marauding southerners had stolen some artefacts :skull:



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It does look pretty trashed. :( I suppose that's always going to happen in a city centre location. Somewhere like Westhall is just too much effort for the average ned to get to.
Still well worth the effort by the look of things, Bryag - and I'm amazed the little bogie is still hanging on to the landing of those steel stairs!
Glad you got to see it Bryag =]
I never get fed up of this place. It's trashed more than ever now, I think Suttie [the owner] couldn't care less about it these days. It's literally 3 minutes drive from my flat so I've been lots of times over the past month. Found 3 sleeping bags and some pots & pans with food the other week so it's now a haven for the homeless :/
Excellent post Bryag. The place looks pretty trashed but still with some good relics left. Especially liked the Tramway Wagon I think!. How the hell did it get in such a position?
Shame to see the inside of this one getting so trashed now. Love the red-bricked buildings amongst the granite ones.
Excellent pics, guys. Glad you all had a great day. :)
The 'striding about trying to look official' business obviously worked! I was worried you'd gone back to the cars for some reason, and was even more worried about bumping into some undesirables on my own since the security is so piss poor.
Nice pics, you covered a lot more of the internals than I did. I am a bit depressed with the state of the works, I haven't been in a while and it seems a lot more trashed with graffiti and broken everything. I also heard that marauding southerners had stolen some artefacts :skull:

Cracking externals, Lost!:) I kind of got left behind a little, so I was a wee bit concerned when I could no longer hear Zimbob and Melvin! It was shortly after that I glimpsed you through a first floor window, and nearly shat another crow!:lol::lol::lol:

TBH the granite building has the most stuff in it and I could have spent much longer in there. I reckon 10 minutes was enough to take in all of the red brick building, despite it's size it is almost completely empty.

Gorecki, we were all very disappointed you could not join us, but dinner comes first:p You were probably a little traumatised after the earlier pickle discovery, anyway:(

It is a shame it is so trashed, but I am surprised it has not been torched. There are pleny of combustibles in the granite wing. At least we have that to be thankful for.:)

Still well worth the effort by the look of things, Bryag - and I'm amazed the little bogie is still hanging on to the landing of those steel stairs!

Yes, it was amazing it was haging on there! Some of the masonry from the facade had also fallen onto the fire escape, making it a bit dodgy (to say the least) I did not hang about on it longer than was necessary to get the picture ;-)
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It does look pretty trashed. :( I suppose that's always going to happen in a city centre location. Somewhere like Westhall is just too much effort for the average ned to get to.
Tillydrine's in the middle of nowhere but the pikies have been in & stripped it of anything that isn't nailed down (Although they'd probably have a good go at lifting those that were nailed down too!)
Went in here last night after work for about 1 hour.
Encountered too wee neds, about 16 years old...

"ye ken how long iss place hiz been closed for?"

"yes" ... and I told them some history about the place and they turned out to be sweet young boys then I escorted them out =]
Looking good :)

I'll get some of mine up once Virgin sort me out with new drivers :rolleyes:
Here are my pics dudes....

Dubya mickey mouse tag......


The factory....


The shadowman....


When darkness creeps in....


Who's this ****?


and again, get out of my pictures.....


Some externals....




I loved the roof as you can see....




Some tagging ********...


Thanks for looking guys.....
Nice additions, guys. It's great to see everyones different perspective on the same place. In a place this vast, there are so many different places to shoot, I am sure we all got plenty of variety:)
Better late than never :rolleyes:

Now I've t'interweb back on, I'll pop up a few of mine...

I was suffering from 'exploring-fatigue' a little at this point, didn't take many good shots :(


One for all you lamppost lovers :p


There was some great light in this place...



Wool :


Aberdeen at night... dirty, dirty lens :(


I really liked it here, great to finally see it after seeing so many pics, I think this comes under the heading 'Unfinished Business' ;)

I was suffering from 'exploring-fatigue' a little at this point, didn't take many good shots :(

Nothing combats 'exploring-fatigue' like getting the bejesus scared out of you by one of your fellow explorers:lol::lol::lol:

From then on out, it is just pure adrenaline:mrgreen: