Cane Hill Update - Demolition and Water Tower

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May 7, 2008
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The following information was released at last week's Coulsdon Neighbourhood Partnership:

Since the last Coulsdon Neighbourhood Partnership meeting English Partnerships has become part of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the national housing and regeneration agency. The agency’s commitment to Cane Hill remains the same; it is looking to work with the local community and Croydon Council to establish a suitable and deliverable scheme that will bring wider benefits to Coulsdon. The project contacts remain the same with Senior Regeneration Manager, Simon Powell leading on the project for the HCA supported by a range of expert consultants.

There has been recent coverage in the local press of the future of the Cane Hill water tower and whether or not it will be retained. A structural survey of the water tower is currently in progress to investigate the levels asbestos present in the building. Some people may have misinterpreted this activity as being demolition related, however this is not the case and it has always been our position that the water tower will be preserved if we can find a suitable alternative use. We have started looking for a developer and prospective partners will be expected to consider how the tower could be successfully adapted to fit with the new development. The Homes and Communities Agency has frequently stated the intention to retain the Administration Building and Chapel, both of which are locally listed and will be looking for suitable alternative uses for both of these buildings. As the development proposals come forward we will be seeking input from the local community about appropriate ways to breathe new life into these historic buildings.

Progress on the demolition is continuing to programme with the centre of the site having been largely cleared of low-rise buildings. Demolition of the 3-storey radiating ward blocks will begin shortly.

The HCA is continuing to work with Croydon Council to establish a development framework that maximises the benefits of the site to Coulsdon town centre and responds effectively to the opportunities presented.”
Oh no

Oh dear,not another Agency...yet another new labour generated quango of specially employed labour supporters ,all of whom have a vested interest in the developement IE financial!Soon Mr Brown,soon,then we will all be free from you,hopefully for ever.
rant over


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