Cerebos Food Factory, Hartlepool - Dec 2011

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hi folks

Having visited here a couple of months ago and logging a report, I will keep it brief by way of an update. I just wanted to show a few shots of bits which were missed when we were apprehended by the long, polite and actually-quite-reasonable arm of the law last time. Will also add a few to give you a general idea of the (worsening) condition of the old place.

This visit was with a friend who wanted to try a bit of urbex - Could not think of a better local first site in terms of scale so off we set at stupid o'clock in the morning. I took these the day after I got my new Canon 600D so it was a good excuse to get to grips with the new camera. Also managed to finally visit Steetley Magnasite on the way back but will post those pics later on.

The offices are now reduced to timber...completely ruins the framing for my "stained glass window" shots :(

Surprisingly, the big empty rooms remain big and empty.

The enormous distribution warehouse. Never got to look in here the first time so had a good play around with the shiny new camera here.

That's all for now folks.

Looks in very sorry condition. Any history of the place, thanks for posting.

This place was build around the middle of the centurary and was origanally Cerebos Saltworks. It was then converted into a food manufacturing and packaging plant operated by RHM producing tinned food for Sharwoods and a few other companies.

The factory has been closed for about ten years after a short spell being hired out as office units. The demo work has been a bit start-stop from what I can tell - probably because of the reccession and the expense of safely dismanteling such a large, asbestos-filled site. The last visit seemed to indicate that work is being actively done to remove asbestos and generally stip out the building of it's wooden walls etc.

I have heard rumours of future recreational uses for the site but I think it's probably a bit early days to confirm any of that.



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