Denbigh, North Wales County Asylum.

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Oct 28, 2005
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Hey guys,

Denbigh had been somewhere I had wanted to see for ages and I finally got over there sometime last year with Paulo.
A surprise awaited us when we got there though because once we got inside we heard the noise of a person walking towards us.
Not long after we spotted 3 men climbing up a ladder near the boiler house and they looked like explorers.
Shorty after we met a whole load of random explorers wandering about.Apparently we'd picked a day when there was a northern meet going on in there!GAH
not long after the trio we'd spotted climbing the boiler house came running towards us, apparently police had showed up and busted the whole group of them.
The 3 guys whoc turned out to be Havoc and a couple of mates left and we sat it out for a while until we thought it was safe.
Not long after a copper walked within metres of me down one of the main corridors.That was such a tense moment and I can still hear the sound of his heely type shoes walking past me and then he dissapeared into the main hall.
Spent the rest of the day there having a nice and calm explore, the only weird thing was that when we left towards the back of the site in a courtyard there were items of clothes and shoes that had been strewn all over the ground which hadn't been there when we'd arrived.WTF!
The entire set of pics and history can be seen on my website here




I particularly loved the way this corridor was slanted.


We were lucky to see this as I think it had been left on the floor and someone had replaced what was left of the slab.
I read somewhere that its all gone now.


One for Turky;)




Part of the Projector room.
Fantastic pictures! :)

Shame about the slab though.
Hi, I think this is about my second post as I usually just lurk but I wanted to say that first pic is amazing. Is it taken in infrared?
Charlie it was actually taken in b&w mode on my cam with a red filter.I used to love doing infra-red pics on film and then with an old olympus digi cam I had but I havn't managed to do infra red with my Canon I use now.Light seems to seep in through the viewfinder that i can't seal off completely to the light.I think Nikon users can though:(Once I found this out I wished I'd picked Nikon instead.
TY Scrappy (are you Scrappy I did St joseph's with and Gimbulate?) and Ma.
Dr Doo I must have gone a little before last summer but for some reason I though I'd done it in october because there wern't many leaves.We were lucky as some nice explorers had put the remaining pieces of thhe slab back on its stand for us :)
Fantastic photographs...literally stunning!! Have recently been to Denbigh Mental to take some photographs is in a very sad state! You were lucky to get there went you did, the whole of the hall and projector room has been completely flattened post fire, and alot of the close by corridors have had work started on them too :( Such an amazing building with so many stories to tell, and its being destroyed!
Excellent work in immortalising the hospital :)
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These are amazing photos, I especially like the one with the chair, leaves me wondering what is through the passage on the left.

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