Drakelow Preservation Updates

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Just thought I would make a thread on updates on the maintenance of the bunker, today we tested Tunnel 4's new lighting.

All the old lights have been replaced with twin bulbs, most of the old unused cabling has been taken out to free up working space and to make it look tidier.

There are still a few bulbs that need sorting but they should be fixed within a week or so.

I made a short video, it's a speeded up walk from end to end in Tunnel 4, during which the lights were switched on and off to check everything was working as it should, or what we need to focus on.


For further preservation updates, please visit http://www.drakelow-tunnels.co.uk

We should also be sorting 2 organised tours (not subbrit organised) out this year and the dates will be put in the Future Events section of the website.

If you have any skills that may be of use to us and are willing to give up a few hours of your time for free, we may take you up on it to help with the work needed done. Please use the 'Get Involved' page on the website to get in touch.

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Nice one fella, great to see some more work going on down there and good to see there will be more tours going on for peeps that are not subbrit :)
Are the tours going to include the "derelict" parts?
Are the tours going to include the "derelict" parts?

Yes, they will include the old tunnels, the old Rover Kitchen and the newer Cold War side.

They will be in groups though, so unlike Subbrit, you won't be able to roam on your own, however photography will be allowed for non commercial use.
New update from Saturday,

We spent over 8 hours in Drakelow, clearing some rubble, but more importantly, fixing damage that was done to the complex by a small group of people who ended up causing £5000 worth of vandalism.

The police have been notified and are investigating and stepping up patrols of the area, we have also stepped up surveillance and installed an new security system, unfortunately this all has to be taken out of the funds that were meant to go back into renovating the complex:mad:

An unfortunate result of the damage, not only the costs but also the Generator is no longer in action, the one that powered the lights in the Subbrit visits is no more, it over heated and seized up.

So last week and Saturday was spent reviving the other generator, this one hadn't been used since the Cold War! Not fired up for 20 years.

Some thought it couldn't be done, but fortunately it is an exact replica of the other, now broken one, so we could recycle components.

After 7 straight hours on Saturday, a few turns of the engine and it fired into life, even running smoother than the older one!

Check the blog here... www.drakelow-tunnels.co.uk

Some pics...



Clearing Rubble (The computer & filing racks have been saved)


Great job D-UK - so sad to see a genuinely important preservation project become the victim of vandalism, but terrific that you were able to get the other genny going. I must communicate with yourself, Fluffy and Engineer to get a date when we can come up and give a hand. It'l probably be later in the summer now, but it would be good to fix up!!
definitely, we always welcome the extra help. Since the other generator stopped working, it has taken it's toll on the complex and many ceilings have come down due to the moisture, we need to rescue stuff quickly and in the future months get it back to a good standard again.
I think I spoke too soon!

Another break in (not the actual tunnels) last night, a load more stuff stolen which might risk the use of the other genny.

I ******* hate thieves, whether they be copper nicking or souvenir 'saving', they both make it harder for us all and don't think about the results:mad::mad::mad:
I understand Your frustrations we get simiar problems with people trying to get into the Battery at Capel le ferne. Do more damage than gd and a lot of times if people had asked we could have show them.
its a shame we couldnt make it saturday fella another couple of pairs of hands would of worked a treat, glad u got the other gen working thought, and more of the clean up

shame its been spoilt by some little f&%kers again, may be what we need is a couple fo transit loads to go up one night and just wait about ;) just to have a chat that is

so u thinking kids or travellers, i think chris was hinting more at kids but if things are going missing and i guess the items are of scrap value then it wont be the kids :exclaim:
Cant give you my feelings about the kind of scum that do this cos at the very least the posting will be removed and i'll probably be banned BUT i know this kind of low life from owning locos/vehicles in the railway preservation movement and believe me ' whats yours is theirs ' is their attitude. Still just place your faith in the might of the law eh !!!!:mad:
PS As Godzy has said if we can get a weekend sorted out we would love to help out !!
Thanks for all the offers to help out, I will talk to Chris and see when might be a good date in the near future to get some work done.

Regarding the break in, It isn't kids, they cut the locks to one of the gates and used a transit van to haul some heavy items out of one of the out houses. I don't think they got away with them though, but the damage is done.

Put it this way though, they won't be getting a transit down that road again though, but it also means that we can't get any vehicles down there for servicing either.

Where there is a will, they will break in and run away with it all. The police couldn't be arsed to turn up and collect the tools they left either.

The only way to catch them IS to stay overnight, but that could end up with US being done for something unpleasant. The police will arrest them and then release them without charge, it's **** but it's true.
Now the genny is fixed we could get back to work on the lights, we have put in 4 new lights in tunnel 4, only 2 more to go and the whole tunnel will be lit as it was when in use.

It is a case of replacing all the old and knackered ones with weather/moisture sealed ones, especially with the aircon not running in best order.

A video from the start of tunnel 4 through to switch the genny & lights off...


Next is to sort some toilets plumbing and get the aircon heating fixed.
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Crackin' little video !! Nice to see triumph in the face of adversity !! Keep up the good work lads !! Excellent choice of music too !! (whateveritis !!):)

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