Elm Tree pub, Manor Top,Sheffield

Derelict Places

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Demolition work has begun on this large Tudor pub to make way for a petrol station and shop unit. The Elm Tree is a well known local landmark and in its day was noted for been one of Sheffield's toughest pubs and once had a landlady who kept a baseball bat behide the bar to keep her unruly customers at bay.The pub closed c 2007. So if anyone wants to get a few pics of this notorious pub better make it quick.
ASDA are putting the free standing pub sign up for auction on EBay the money raised will go to local charities in the area. So if anyone fancies a large pub sign for their garden here's your chance , I'm might put in a bid myself well its something different for the garden...☺
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s649.photobucket.com/user/Pubbloke1/embed/slideshow/"></iframe> The sign that will sold on EBay .

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