Fullers Earthworks - Feb 2011

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Visited this with a non member friend after an unfortunate incident causing three others not to be able to come, definately a good day out but rather unlucky in some ways but oh so lucky in others! Since I found the story quite a good one to tell I thought i'd tell it with the pictures & captions underneath.

Only a few pictures - I was shooting on both 35mm & Digital and I need to find somewhere that doesnt charge £6 per film for developing black & white!

For those familiar with the site, you'll know two points of entry (for the moderators, these are really really obvious so i'm not really letting any secrets out. We first walked past the one next to the residential housing & decided that it would be best to try the second entry point first due to it usually being a bit easier to get into, however when we walked through the gate we were greeted by this! The picture is actually taken through the Heras Fencing surrounding the entrance point & although we could have got in we deicided to return to the first entry point and try our luck there.

We approached the building, Tom instantly pointed out someone entering one of the buildings and the fact he was wearing a hooded jacket instantly set the prejudice inside me going & we approached with caution. On entry we were actually confronted with someone slightly older than us with a girl who was using a Lomography Diana camera - very nice indeed! After a chat we discovered the diggers were not there this time last week & therefore in theory work will be starting soon and rapidly to remove all existance of this old place. The conclusion that was come to afterwards was that they would probably start on the more run down parts then bring in the heavier machinery when dismantling the metal main part - there must be a few thousand tonnes worth of scrap & at £130 a tonne they wont be throwing much away!

We spent some time photographing outside - although this sign is very over-photographed, I had wanted to get this picture for a long time & am pleased with it. This place is so open that the sign provides some irony, we had been told that there were other people on the site but that they definately were not builders/security & were photographers so off we went in search of them!

We approached the massive building - you can't appreciate how big this place is without being there and having to walk back to the very edge of the site to get the whole buildng in your viewfinder! I took a picture with Tom in it to try and show the size but it really is hard to do. I found this part particularly tricky with the film camera.

This is where we first ran into the second group of photographers (later on to be indentified to be Mr Bones & King Al) We lifted this old piece of machinery up for the photos, it wasnt right for it to have been kicked over on its side although i'm sure the "chavs" who were there later on during the day made quick work of whatever they had wanted to destroy. We then proceeded inwards.

Unfortunately most of my time was spent trying to work the film camera, however this photograph does hold relevance to the story - usually its comforting to finally get inside the building where you're less likely to be seen by security however here there was no such feeling, the whole place is so relaex that there is no room for adrenaline or fear unless of course you try and climb one of the many ladders and stair cases!

Peugeot Paint in a cat litter factory? This isnt graffiti paint but due to being a (I assume) bright colour perhaps it was used in this manor. It was very rusty & I rather ignorantly forgot to check for a date.

I dont think they make these still, this was dated 1996 - its very odd, we were told that the building shut down in 1991 but there are things dating from 1991-2010, the sign of visitors or prolonged use of the site? Who knows.

Unfortunately that's the end of the photos, as we left we saw one final person who identified himself as Liam CH from 28 Days Later, my attention was straight away drawn to the Zorki 4K that he had in his hand - identical to the one that I was also holding! What a coincidence. He also had the same camera (Zenit E) as Tom was carrying although i'm not sure if he had it with him.

If you want to see this place don't put it off, visit on a sunday or bank holiday, the diggers are moving in & soon I think with all the machinery around it will be more secure & then lost forever eventually.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my report & I really would welcome any comments & critisisms you have. :mrgreen:
hi zotez
i would be that girl u meet :) thanks 4 saying my new beautiful pink diana is nice i think so too
and thankyou for telling me about this forum. i thought i would join and say hello!
really like the photos love the way u focus on the detail not just the big picture keep it up dude!
it was nice meeting u
Thanks everyone :mrgreen:

King Al - yeah definately, its such a cool place to visit especially with all the fun stuff to climb and all the different levels.

Driftprincess - Nice to meet you and your friend & i'm glad you found the forum, let me know if you & your friend are planning any other places to go. :)

Mr Bones - same here, it was the first time i've ever shot film so lets hope mine come out ok!

And thanks Em Ux for your lovely comment. :) :)