General Urbex Photos Thread! - 2

Derelict Places

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I, like Dauntless, had a similarly awful frustrating weekend (other than Holdings). Probably struck out at about 12 locations, and the others we made it into weren't exactly 'epic' but I'd rather be at the other end of the country failing than sat on my bum at home all weekend anyway.

Didn't take enough photos to cobble together separate posts for these three...

E.P. Bray Dye Works, Glossop:







Bradfield Water Treatment Plant, near Sheffield:




Langwith Mill, Notts - one of the most unstable deathtraps of a building I've ever set foot in. Every floor wants to kill you.





You know what they say, things can only get better...
Good to see Langwith is open again. Thought you could have got three separate reports out of those three mate.

22 photos from E.P. Bray, 13 from Bradfield and a lowly 5 from Langwith, OK I maybe could have done one for E.P. Bray but time has been against me this week!
Off I went to explore.

35960307121_2fe9e4557f_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

Second weekend running, all fails. Even Sparrow Hall & the Fertilizer factory. Heres the best I got.

35924006342_e6e9e99f32_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

35702938870_ba32a16681_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

Trashed cottage outside the fertilizer factory.

36053015376_4252879160_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

35702926170_b7f415a051_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

36093011305_baf09b71bf_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

36053000236_323cb236f5_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

35283620883_08df4e1d2b_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

36052989776_21aca6a21e_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

35283600283_2f5d97495d_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

Burnt out.

35283573823_de5122c9f7_b.jpg2# July 2017 by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

Then the next two houses, one of them Sparrow Hall were both being done up.
Belvoir Castle Tramway Hut

The Grantham Canal which opened in 1797 passed just over a mile north of the castle. This large Grade I listed building owned by the Dukes of Rutland had a large requirement for fuel and victuals. Jessop who built the canal advised against constructing a short canal branch as it would require several locks and a large reservoir of water. Eventually in 1814 it was decided to build a connecting railway between the canal and the house which by this time had become an even larger gothic mansion.

The Butterley company designed the railway and built it. The rails were 3 ft. fish-bellied lengths of cast iron resting on stone sleepers and it is believed that they were the first in the world to use the 'I' section form. The gauge varied between 4 ft. 41/2 in. and 4 ft. 5 in. and the wagons had wide treads. Haulage was by a single horse with two on the incline.

The line forked as it approached the castle ramparts, one branch leading to a tunnel for the unloading of coal. The second branch follows the ramparts to the north east corner of the castle and terminates near the kitchens. Here are preserved three of the original wagons.

The final recorded use of the railway was in May 1918, and it was dismantled in 1941. The only surviving track is close to the house, though the trackbed can be traced in parts to the canal.

This little hut is close to the canal wharf, next to the line of the tramway. Quite unremarkable, but in fine stages of natural decay!

The only interesting bit was the section of original cast iron rail embedded in the base of the wall, supporting some sort of opening for a drain or similar. A 2nd section supports the same wall section from the inside.





Grain Tower Overnight II

Forgot to whack these up :biggrin: Pics from the other weekend - overnighting on Grain tower... There were 8 of us altogether. Was a chill night of eating charred meat, sipping brews and talking about splores. Can't say I slept massively well this time round, but it was a magic experience none-the-less. You forget all your troubles when you're isolated out here for 12 hours. We might just make this an annual thing - see if we can get even more people out next time!

Drinking beers and sparking up the BBQ as the sun is going down.

Conrad sleeping under the canopy of the gun emplacement. I took this some time after 5 in the morning, as the sun was nearly up. The weather was very mild.
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Couple of Old Favourites + a New One

The cable works shelter. Looking slightly more chavved than the last time I saw it, but still good. This was actually an odd one, as we bumped into an explorer who was showing the local MP around.

JP taking some shots in the Detached Bastion. Good thing we bumped into some local lads who showed us an alternative means of entry. Access changes often it seems.

Another split tunnel shot from 'The Spout'. Probably my favourite Dover deep shelter now.
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Just incase anyone else finds this house, Don't go there. I was lucky I could hear the TV before stepping in.

35366005864_e5f41079a6_b.jpgCrazy Cat Lady's House by dauntless - UE, on Flickr

I think that must be the one Mikey mentioned to me last night - with cars out the back?

Anyway, at the tail end of my most recent escapade I thought we'd finally have a nose around Green Lodge in Halstead - but I wouldn't bother now. What a stinking cesspit of a place that has turned into, tagged and trashed to within an inch of it's life and with the main attraction firmly screwed shut on both sides. It's one of only a few places I've been to date where I didn't even bother getting my camera out. Such a shame.

So after that, and after bumping into some fairly dodgy looking locals at Bambers Green Equestrian Centre (also resulting in no photos) one of my companions wanted to have a nose around the Bayer Waste Water Plant in Hauxton so off we trotted to that, nothing had changed in regards to the access and we had a good wander whilst my other two friends had sleeps in their cars. I'd been here twice before but it's one of those spots you can always find new angles of to shoot.





Yes, thats the one. Found it on google maps, asked Mikey if he recognised it and he said no. That one was definetly a fail. I'll be out again tomorrow, got a good potential location to check out.
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Located near the Forest School is this place, which takes it's rightful spot at the top of the list of 'most stripped bare places I've ever seen'. This, believe it or not, was at one time a roofing tile factory, but there is literally nothing that would ever make you realise that apart from one sign fixed to the rear of the old office/admin building which barely even has any walls left.

It's the kind of place I wished there was some awesome graffiti to look at, but sadly it was almost all stupid kid tags.







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