While Luckypants was down (oo'er) and waiting to go on some more tasty location over the coming weekend we plotted a mini tour of the area around the A56 near Dunham Park , I was gonna call it the Dunham Massive but it wasn't epic enough each place isn't worth a full report but together they could distract you for a while, treat em like stocking fillers rather than the big pressie you get later on Christmas day and maybe hold your nose in some cases.
With the help of a non member we planned our little journey.
First up an abandoned national trust farm house all boarded up , some contracters working on the nearby pylon seemed pretty ok about us venturing past once we held up our cameras
A way in the barn was found a lot of it was quite dark
apart from some artefacts in the darkness, this unfortunate is the main attraction
the farmhouse was quite sealed and one of the contracters told us that despite offers the National Trust won't sell or do anything with it for now, as one of us showed him our piks, nice chap.
Just up the road this large red house in its own grounds...
...in bit of a mess
the obligatory lonesome chair shot taken in the depths of the cellars
and by stark contrast to the big red house this house stands feet away..
Haheey an old Atari console cartridge
some unsavoury graffiti
and as one leaves the grounds this little lodge house...
... in equally appalling state
Leaving the filth, dust and fungi behind we travel on a little further and round a corner to the now defunct, dangerously damaged, part demoed Iranian Embassy/Consulate building I believe
Extreme care is needed to access all areas
Paper work and oddly V Festival t-shirts, litter the fomer grand grounds
We take a parting look at the pond/pool?
and off we go.
All trashed to hell apart from the inaccessable farm, but an ok quite relaxed afternoon filler while one is waiting to go on a major mission
With the help of a non member we planned our little journey.
First up an abandoned national trust farm house all boarded up , some contracters working on the nearby pylon seemed pretty ok about us venturing past once we held up our cameras

A way in the barn was found a lot of it was quite dark

apart from some artefacts in the darkness, this unfortunate is the main attraction

the farmhouse was quite sealed and one of the contracters told us that despite offers the National Trust won't sell or do anything with it for now, as one of us showed him our piks, nice chap.
Just up the road this large red house in its own grounds...

...in bit of a mess

the obligatory lonesome chair shot taken in the depths of the cellars

and by stark contrast to the big red house this house stands feet away..

Haheey an old Atari console cartridge

some unsavoury graffiti

and as one leaves the grounds this little lodge house...

... in equally appalling state

Leaving the filth, dust and fungi behind we travel on a little further and round a corner to the now defunct, dangerously damaged, part demoed Iranian Embassy/Consulate building I believe

Extreme care is needed to access all areas

Paper work and oddly V Festival t-shirts, litter the fomer grand grounds

We take a parting look at the pond/pool?

and off we go.
All trashed to hell apart from the inaccessable farm, but an ok quite relaxed afternoon filler while one is waiting to go on a major mission
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