Granite mountain

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 16, 2012
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Fluffy, henceforce to be refered to as 'the mountain hare' (or possibly 'Icarus') was back in Gogledd with the fluffess so plans made to meet up and visit a site we'd not been to before.

There is a lot more to see than the few photos here might suggest. We only looked a one small part of one of the quarries and there is too much to include in one post.
If you are offended by watermarks then this would be a good time to hit the 'back' button.

Would it be a mountain if they hadn't removed it's top to get the granite? It's certainly not a molehill.

A steep and barely discernible public footpath takes you up...and up...then over part of an active quarry road. Off the path for a short walk on the level and there's a tasty mix of old and new dereliction to be seen.

1901 crusher and other buildings with slightly more modern grading and conveying equipment rusting away nearby

Locomotive shed


Old wagon wheels with the chocolate removed


Walking back the way we'd come and back onto the ever upward footpath (I'm using that term somewhat loosely) and you climb past a heavily vandalised substation. Stop for a quick look but no photos taken Icarus is straining at his lead to get out of the trees and up towards the sunlight.....we'll head back up to the building later.

Continuing up along the public footpath and out of the wooded area the only thing that can be seen is hillside...have we come to the right place? Keep going up and eventually a winding & engine house building is passed (would be rude not to stop and look around!).


Here we depart the public path for a stroll along a former tramway road. The mountain hare has shot ahead and could occasionally be glimpsed in the distance higher up the hill. Our conversations with him at this point are via cell phone, a bit like teenagers in a house. Fluffess and I are taking our time and enjoying the spectacular views behind us. It's a welcome break from the climbing. We reach a loading area for the crushed granite and as we look around there Icarus shouts down to say he's going to try and reach the sun. Well, we guess that is what he is shouting, his words are carried away by the wind as he heads upwards.




By the time we finish looking around and continue up he is on his way back down to photograph the area we've been looking at.

Another transformer house (there is another right at the top next to the crusher building)

One of the views from the top

Lunch break part way down. With binos we can see the CASLs Rich Cooper posted a few days ago as well as other vestiges of wartime landscape changes. Setting off again we rejoin the footpath, which has a diversion to take it further away from the active quarry area.

View across to one of the other quarries

The area we visited

The diversion takes it up to another winding house. We are meant to be heading down but the mountain hare shoots off to check it out. We stay lower down watching dragon flies in a small pool formed by water draining off the hillside. Back he comes to announce it wasn't really worth the effort (so we don't bother).
We continue down using one of the quarry access roads

Then back across to the public footpath and up to the first substation to get photos.
I'll never understand that destructive mentality and seeing the pointless damage to the insulators was sickening.



After that it's back down to the cars and on to two more 'quick' locations. First a possible derelict farmhouse - it wasn't derelict and is now used by a local school as a bunkhouse for Outdoor Ed.. The other a trial adit that is essentially just a short straight run into a hillside. The entrance has been dammed by the farmer to get water to a trough. Knowing it's just a walk in/walk out with no significant features we decided it wasn't worth getting wet to look at it.
Back down to sea level and off for some grub and a good chinwag about mines and quarries................
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The Landscape images are some of the best I have seen on the Web, showings how Man's Footprint has impacted on the stark natural beauty of this area.
Cracking report, some of those pics are stunning. A view you could sit and stare at all day. Nice one!
Ah Fluffy he does tend to be on the tall side so tends to take one stride for everyone else's two his lovely partner (not sure if he has done the decent thing yet and married her) on the other hand is some what shorter so would tend to hang back with you. Afraid you would need to be a marathon runner to keep up. Some great photos you took Druid especially the views. The watermark looks really subtle how did you do it?
Nice photographs, Druid. The weather was in your favour, lovely landscape shots. I personally am not too bothered about the watermark as you have to sign your work somewhere. Its there so I'll have to bear with it.
Mate, what a seriously good report. It really was such a spot on day, perhaps the best day of our week in gog !! The fluffette and i returned the following day to attack the ex mountain from the west side and found a few more items of interest !! We also saw a lot of buildings that couldn't be reached without some serious map studying. This place really does have so much to offer and i think that weve only discovered a fraction of it. You will be pleased to hear that the assault on the western side was far easier than the mountaineering exercise needed to reach the Fox Bank area(although i dont think the car was particularly impressed !!)
Really looking forward to our next adventure (hopefully at the end of Oct, if you can make it !!) But in the mean time have a study of the area (and granite quarries) around Nant Gwrtheyrn- near to Trefor Quarry. We spent a day or so there before heading home and found loads of interest (very little of which is on the net !!)
Icarus !! :mrgreen:
...... around Nant Gwrtheyrn- near to Trefor Quarry. We spent a day or so there before heading home and found loads of interest (very little of which is on the net !!)

Did you actually go to the old village at Nant Gwrtheyrn? It was built for the quarries and now has a Welsh language study centre. There is (or at least was) a cafe there which had loads of info on the quarries and several old photos on the walls.
Did you actually go to the old village at Nant Gwrtheyrn? It was built for the quarries and now has a Welsh language study centre. There is (or at least was) a cafe there which had loads of info on the quarries and several old photos on the walls.

Mate, i can't recommend this place highly enough !! The food is great, the staff are friendly and the views are stunning !! It also has free wi-fi that actually works - you dont even need a password. The only downside is that when leaving, the car has to navigate a road system that resembles the Himalayas. I thought we were gonna burn our clutch out and our car is an automatic !! :mrgreen: