On the same day I went out to explore the Waggon and Horses Pub, I also stopped by this site which looked extremely interesting on Google earth. But, when I got into the site, I was gutted to find a lot of what was shown on the satellite images has been demolished leaving only the office block and a few units out the back...
The only info I can find is that it belonged to a company called Harveys and has been empty for about 3 or 4 years, although from the amount of vandalism in the place, you would think it had been empty for 10 years or more!
I didn't get any pics of the front of the offices I'm afraid.. I'm still a newbie and simply forgot :/ sorry.. Next time I pass, I will take a front shot and update this post.
On with the pictures...
Whatever they did here was explosive... apparently
Danger by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Shadow Pipes by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
All that Remains by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
No Way Out by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Reflections in Rainwater by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Secrets Behind Bricks by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Up on the roof, and there was a nice bonus... The lift gear was there, complete with belts and cables.
Lift Gear with Belts by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Lift Cables by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Long Way Down by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
And onto the office block which, like the rest of the site was in a sort of, half demolished.. couldn't be bothered finishing the job kind of state...
Under deconstruction by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Unaccess by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
In the old reception area.
Do not stair by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
This is something to do with documents and sorting them.. according to the sticker on the side
Document Sorter by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Important Buttons. At least, I guess they were important because they had a Perspex cover.
Important Buttons by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Whenever I enter a building I always call out just in case there is anyone about... I think I disturbed a metal fairy as I called this time.. he was in such a rush, he forgot his bag
Metal Faries by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Squat... Thank god no one was home... and what's with the suspicious brown stain?
Squat by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
All the offices were pretty trashed with nothing much to find... this is the old safe. Was far to heavy to turn over and see what lies inside
The Old Office Safe by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Possibly through the back of the cupboards is the way to Narnia
the way to Narnia by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
I tried to get a bit of corridor porn for you.... Think it's more of a softcore page 3 to be honest
To the Managers Office by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
AND FINALLY... after climbing through windows, over brooks and through gaps, cracks and holes without incident or injury, I fell off the kerb on my way out!! hahah
Tripped by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Thanks for looking. Peace and love to everyone
The only info I can find is that it belonged to a company called Harveys and has been empty for about 3 or 4 years, although from the amount of vandalism in the place, you would think it had been empty for 10 years or more!
I didn't get any pics of the front of the offices I'm afraid.. I'm still a newbie and simply forgot :/ sorry.. Next time I pass, I will take a front shot and update this post.
On with the pictures...
Whatever they did here was explosive... apparently
Danger by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Shadow Pipes by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
All that Remains by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
No Way Out by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Reflections in Rainwater by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Secrets Behind Bricks by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Up on the roof, and there was a nice bonus... The lift gear was there, complete with belts and cables.
Lift Gear with Belts by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Lift Cables by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Long Way Down by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
And onto the office block which, like the rest of the site was in a sort of, half demolished.. couldn't be bothered finishing the job kind of state...
Under deconstruction by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Unaccess by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
In the old reception area.
Do not stair by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
This is something to do with documents and sorting them.. according to the sticker on the side
Document Sorter by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Important Buttons. At least, I guess they were important because they had a Perspex cover.
Important Buttons by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Whenever I enter a building I always call out just in case there is anyone about... I think I disturbed a metal fairy as I called this time.. he was in such a rush, he forgot his bag
Metal Faries by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Squat... Thank god no one was home... and what's with the suspicious brown stain?
Squat by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
All the offices were pretty trashed with nothing much to find... this is the old safe. Was far to heavy to turn over and see what lies inside
The Old Office Safe by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Possibly through the back of the cupboards is the way to Narnia
the way to Narnia by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
I tried to get a bit of corridor porn for you.... Think it's more of a softcore page 3 to be honest
To the Managers Office by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
AND FINALLY... after climbing through windows, over brooks and through gaps, cracks and holes without incident or injury, I fell off the kerb on my way out!! hahah
Tripped by FreemanMarc, on Flickr
Thanks for looking. Peace and love to everyone