Jabez and Cliff, Walsall, September 2011

Derelict Places

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Aug 11, 2009
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Sorry for the quality, only iPhone pictures. May well go back with proper camera as access pretty open.

I would have gone inside more, but I was on my bike and did not want to end up getting it robbed. I have found two other nearby sites though to explore. Bikes are good for finding this urban stuff.

I knew one of the chaps that owned this, Cliff Barnsby, arrogant fellow

I like the shadow on this one.

Wow thats a shame about the fire I enjoyed a visit to this site last year - there was an ace riveting machine on the top floor.
I didn't recall seeing this one before, but looking at the first report it's amazing how different it looks from someone else's perspective. Some great bricky goodness there. Nice. :)

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