Just been given a new camera

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hastings, East Sussex
Ok, so i'm pretty new to the whole photography thing, but am kinda picking it up as i go along. Pointers will always be appreciated, if you know what i mean! ;)

Anyway, the only camera that ive had until now (other than the one that comes as part of my HTC Sensation) is This Samsung P.O.S.

My uncle has just had his new Lumix camera delivered, and so has given me This Sony to use instead. Anyone had any experience with these? So far as i can see, its a pretty good bit of kit for a relative beginner like me. :D

Cheers in advance for any advice/tips given! :)
If it comes with one, read the manual. I had a Fujifilm bridge camera once, and didn't read the manual at first - when I did, I discovered a lot of functions I didn't know about before!
Yeah, ive had a fair gander at the manual, still want to read it in a bit more depth, and experiment with all the different settings and modes. :) Just wanna get out there and start taking pics now! :lol:
Ok I will say this then close the thread. This is not a photography forum, there are loads about to get tips and advice from. All I will say is take it off Auto and go out and take some photos. it's the only way you will learn. Then you can post some of the results on here for us to drool over.
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