Minutes, hours, days...it varies considerably. Sometimes I'll be driving and see something that looks interesting so stop and look. Other times there can be weeks of research online, in the library, plus searching through my book, postcard and map collection.
There are some sites that I have permanently geo-referenced and in the car (churches, airfields, dispersed sites for airfields, radio & radar sites, mills, rifle ranges...the list goes on!). That way if I'm out and about somewhere and need to stop and stretch my legs I can try and do so in the 'right' place.
Meeting up with Fluffy again in a few weeks and I would say I've spent about 18 hours of the last three days trying to track down information and leads on one specific structure. If we go to it, it will occupy only half an hour of photography time..............but the rest of the day will be filled with other things and likely be around 10 hours before we retire for food and a chinwag. To be repeated daily for several days.
Then of course there will be weeks of no 'exploring' and not necessarily any direct research. I look at maps every day and can't help but make notes about things I see. Those notes will sometimes become part of an 'explore' even if that's not what caught my eye initially.