So, it’s a little belated! But I’ve had a lot on of late! But seriously what a year 2015 has been! Met an amazing person; progressed with my career, made some important life changes and explored more places than ever. This year was a whirlwind of successes and failures but my total explore count for 2015 is approximately 40-45, ranging from the South Coast to Deepest Darkest Wales, to right up north! I visited some old friends, visited some long overdue places and had a great time with dozens of amazing people. I didn’t manage to leave the UK in 2015 sadly but there’s always 2016!
Here is a favourite selection for 2015, there’s a fair few but I’ve chosen the best of! Lets see what 2016; my eighth exploring season has to bring!
Thanks all,
Happy New Year!
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Here is a favourite selection for 2015, there’s a fair few but I’ve chosen the best of! Lets see what 2016; my eighth exploring season has to bring!
Thanks all,
Happy New Year!
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