This is up on the cliffs between Capel and Dover. It was still used quite regularly by the TA and Royal Engineers (based in both Dover and Folkestone) when I was a kid, but is now utterly derelict. There were, according to OS maps of the '80s several butts, though this is the only one that seems to remain. The buildings to the rear of the range were the mess buildings for the Lydden Spout Battery (ably reported on by Digital Noise elsewhere on this fine site) though these are now used by a local farm as stables for his horses! The square concrete pit is probably something to do with the battery plotting room and shelter complex which is directly below this.
Firstly the earth bank where the target frames would be fixed
Then various views of the range
The mess buildings for the battery, which are behind the range about 100m away
And finally, the square concrete pit

Firstly the earth bank where the target frames would be fixed

Then various views of the range

The mess buildings for the battery, which are behind the range about 100m away

And finally, the square concrete pit
