Martin's Mill, Halifax
This is a rather lovely 6-storey mill and it was built in the late 1800s.Owners and tenants of the mill have included
Carding Specialists [1940s]
Turner's [1988]
In 1961, the Plebeians Halifax Jazz Club rented a room here.
In the early 1980s, the weaving sheds were demolished to make way for a B & Q DIY superstore. Much of the mill was vacant and only a part was occupied [1988].
In 2006, planning permission was given to convert the mill into apartments but this hasn't happened yet clearly.
It also happens to be located within full view of the police station, awkwardddd
info taken from here
id looked at this before and posted a L&R but never got round to it, then after buying a new lens, me and bromaz decided after we had presented his radio show we would head up here. I'v already had members asking about access for this place and said excatly the same to them. I'm happy to tell you provided i recognise your username, but be warned, its ridiculous. access takes ten minutes with the backwards and forwards, balancing and passing equipment, i cant say anything else with out violating the rules, but put it this way, me and nick came out and both agreed never to try it again.
All photos taken on a pentax KR on a [ame=""]samsung d-xenon 18-55[/ame] lens
(i think people should do that^ just to see what equipment people use..just an idea)

(this was a room full of paper work, and albums of letters about the businesses etc etc, really interesting reads, but i didn't have a mask on, and started to feel really really weird so got the **** out of there)

(a cheeky me shot)

and a cheeky photoshop to end on

Thanks for looking guys