Marvels Themepark - Scarborough July 2009

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Jun 13, 2009
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I know this has been done on here before, but I wanted to share my pics with everone on here.

I think the park closed in the late 1990's. I have some great memories of this place when I was a kid.

The day of the visit was great, it was warm, the light was good and the park was very peaceful and calm. I didn't have much time to get round it but I did my best.

Anyway, on with the pics, enjoy:

Ticket booth down at road level


Old chair lift workings looking up towards park


Chair lift workings


The old "Out" sign still remains painted on the chair lift entrance floor


Entrance area


Up the top looking down towards the part where you get off the chair lift


Old animal enclosures (I think)


Second lot of chair lifts, situated in the middle of the park


Old Go Kart track (great memories on here)


Can just see the starting grid still


Pit lane


Old Chair lift workings


Another "Way Out" sign


And thats it. I am new on here so I hope i've done everything correctly, anyway enjoy!
Oooooooh I remember going on that chairlift in 1989, I was 22 and my friend had her 21st birthday a week later lol. We had a play on everything when we were there, was very colourful. Had indians and wigwams there as well. Loved that holiday.

Thanks for posting, sad to see it like that now though.


:) Sal
Hi mate great report, i was up there the other day looking at the open air theatre right next to this, but didnt have my camera with me so didnt get any shots, nice pics.
fun fair

Looks a Bit like Neverland ,when they make Neverland into a Tourist attraction i wonder if they will keep it run down ,i think they might make a fun fair to make money ? like Disney world.
Nice post Marshall. Like others have said, I too have great memories of this place from holidays in years gone by. My mate lost a flipflop when we were on that chair lift and I don't think she can have been the only one..! Thanks for sharing - some great photos.
Ooh, nice one.

I'm wondering what they will do with Neverland. I reckon it would make a great tourist attraction/shrine.

I wonder if the flipflop is still there? :)
Great pics. I remember going on both those chairlifts. I also remember the big dipper they had, plus dodgems which could do 360 degree skids, if you got them to put the speed up you could do some serious spins and powerslides! I remember the pyramid with the "spooky" wind sound effect that was a lavatory extractor fan which kind of took the edge off the atmosphere somewhat... The Go-Karts I remember being seriously expensive, and there used to be some quad bikes but they went years before it closed.
Nice one, I visited this last year, it's a strange site and I too remember going as a kid. When I looked on live maps there was an interesting change between the ariel view and the birdseye view:

Site as it used to be:


Site as it is now:


Great report there mate!
Very poignant. I loved those chairlifts. There were dinosaurs around those volcanoes at one time, including a sort of prehistoric ostrich thing.
I remember the last time I was there we bought an unlimited ticket for a fiver and had loads of goes on the big dipper, the dodgems (where we discovered the aforementioned 360 spins were possible in the pink and blue cars) and the space wheel thing. Plus you got a couple of runs on the chairlifts. Nearly got banned for over-doing it! Then there were the rides next to the pyramids which had this weird old ghost train thing with effects like you'd stop in a pitch black tunel then a load of those long illuminated string things with loads of coloured bulbs in would turn on, heads would appear over random staircases etc. Plus there were all the usual bouncy castles etc...
Just out of curiosity - do they still have the sea battles which were fought with one man battleship affairs in peasholm park ?.
these pics made me sad..:(

I spent many happy hours in Scarboro as a child, i went back early this year to find all this really saddened me.
the chair lift used to go all the way to Scalby Mills..i loved it.

Watched firework displays and plays at the outdoor theatre...there was a Zoo here, before the Theme park...

Sad, so so sad.
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Yes, I felt the same as you when I was up there taking the shots. I spent a lot of time there as a kid in the early 1990's. Some happy memories. Things these day's don't seem to be like that now. It's all to comercialised. :(

I enjoyed doing this report and it was, in a way, my tribute to Marvels.

I am planing a return visit soon and i'm hoping to get more shots of the other end, so once I do, I will update this thread...
top report, its a shame, did this place used to be 'Kinderland' at one point to, or is that somewhere else there?

it will be a sad day when Blackpool pleasure beach ends up like that, but at some point I reckon it will,much ot my horror.....these things are part of our cultural heritage,tis a sad thing to see them like the above......and so many seem to be going this way now!
top report, its a shame, did this place used to be 'Kinderland' at one point to, or is that somewhere else there?

it will be a sad day when Blackpool pleasure beach ends up like that, but at some point I reckon it will,much ot my horror.....these things are part of our cultural heritage,tis a sad thing to see them like the above......and so many seem to be going this way now!

Kinderland is to the left of the satellite pics above on the other side of the lake-that's closed as well

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