Mountain Ash Hospital South Wales on fire

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Sep 23, 2016
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Driving back home this afternoon and saw thick black smoke from miles away and I knew instantly that it was Mountain Ash Cottage Hospital in South Wales. So drove up to check the fire brigade had been called and they were already on site, having hit into a wall on entry. Several locals about, sad about the sorry state of what was once a beautiful building in a stunning location and part of the commmunity. So sad!
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Thanks for the news.

Mountain Ash was my first hospital visit. Sort of has fond memories.
I doubt it was accidental, there didn't seem to be much left to burn. Although there was that lovely teak Otis liftcar.
Was my first explore in years and met some people and some more through the place . Shame on the mindless oinks that did this.
I am really gutted about this to be honest. I was planning my first visit here for next week. I guess I won't be going for a while as the authorities will be keeping an eye on this place for a while.
I went the other day and expected people there, but no one was. The area burnt was very small and that part had been pulled down and demolished before hand 😊