Old Mionlta AF lenses on modern DSLR ?

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Nov 9, 2009
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church fentons starfish
Ok, this is an odd one, and aimed specifically at anyone who used to use a Milota Dynax SLR and has since gone digital with a modern Minolta camera (mods please shift to the correct forum if this isnt it)

I have a Minolta Dynax 404si film SLR. I cant afford to process film anymore, neither though can i afford a new DSLR. However ive heard thet the Minolta Dynax D7 and D5 DSLRs, and the newer Sony Alpha series cameras, use the same AF mount, and that the older lenses from the film camera will work with a newer DSLR body.

Has anyone on here moved from a film Dynax to a minolta/sony DSLR who would be able to verify that the lenses are compatible?

If they are, I can look for a body only and might finally be able to afford to start taking decent photos again
Nearly dumped this in the pit but I thought I'd answer instead. From what I have heard they will fit no problem but if I were you I'd be getting down to Jessops or a local camera store to look at Sony which you can pick up for around 300 quid and take the lens along to try on it then you will know for sure if it works ok.
I had a Sony prior to swapping, most of my lenses were Minolta - They all worked fine and in most cases, the quality was as good as the Sony lenses...............
Minolta lenses (Carl Zeiss) are brilliant (can't say the same for the camera system they were designed for).

M :)
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