Here's a few pics from me and gpsjim's explore,
unfortunately we could only get access to a small part of the factory,
Brief history:
Rowntree's built the factory at the end of the 19th century, Rowntree later became Rowntree Mackintosh, then Nestlé Rowntree, The factory closed in 2006 (I think) after a purpose built factory next door was finished to carry on production.
Hope you enjoy the pics
(There is also a short video which im sure gpsjim will upload )
DSCF2167 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2179 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2175 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2173 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2165 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2161 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2158 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2157 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2147 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2163 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
unfortunately we could only get access to a small part of the factory,
Brief history:
Rowntree's built the factory at the end of the 19th century, Rowntree later became Rowntree Mackintosh, then Nestlé Rowntree, The factory closed in 2006 (I think) after a purpose built factory next door was finished to carry on production.
Hope you enjoy the pics
(There is also a short video which im sure gpsjim will upload )
DSCF2167 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2179 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2175 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2173 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2165 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2161 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2158 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2157 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2147 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
DSCF2163 by littlejohn5288, on Flickr
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