Thanks to rubex for this lovely little house she found.situated in a small village hidden away.i fell in love with the two old type writers in the shed.they were certainly the highlight for me amongst other nice stuff.
You have done some fantastic sets bud - but this is defintly one of my favourites - its very hard to pick the best picture there - even harder to find one thats bad - in some ways i could kiss you and others i could slap you lol.
Something to aspire to for sure.
The typewriters that you liked I did a search in the typewriter museum website. The Imperial 80 was made between 1968 and 1973 but I cannot find a model number for the other Imperial. My favourite has to be the long case clock, it has charm and it would look good in any house.
The wall mounted phone was exactly the same as the one at my parents house until 1990, when they had it replaced by a push button one I not keep in my flat for emergencies.