Right! Whose got the pictures of the soggy school?????????????????????????????????????
All I can find on Pirniehall is from other Urbex forums so I can't be sure if my description will be right.
I believe it was not a boarding school, it was a short term residential centre for school activity weekends, seminars etc. Come to think of it I don't remember seeing too many classrooms, although it was hard to tell what some of the rooms were. It closed in 1993 and has decayed alarmingly since then. The slates had been removed from much of the roof. I don't know whether they were stolen, removed by the owners to sell or removed by the owners to make it uninhabitable and avoid paying rates on it. Whatever, the effect is the same.
We travelled here in convoy from St Peter's but about half way along I became aware that the car in front was no longer Urban Shadow's. Soon after that I managed to lose Adrenaline and Fraz13 from behind. I couldn't remember the name of the place we were going and I didn't have any phone numbers. I don't know how I found the others again but I did, and I wasn't even the last to get there.

The main part of the building.

I'm glad I saw that sticker because I was about to. Who knows what might have happened.

Cludge pictures seemed to feature heavily on this explore

Can you see the name Acme without thinking of Road Runner? I can't.

Lampshade. I can't imagine why nobody has stolen it.

Still a bar of soap on this sink


2-tone carpet. I don't think there's a floor under this one.

Bryag appreciating the wallpaper.


Best before September 2003. Still half full.

A ghost, yesterday