Planning application for bonded warehouse adjacent to the existing village.
15/00335/PP | Erection of bonded warehouse,security and forklift storage building, associated car parking and new vehicular access, external landscaping including a SUDs pond. Incorporating a Masterplan in respect of 15/00685/MPLAN (PDA 2/35). | Land
Click on their links to explore the application documents which includes site maps.
The end for the village draws closer.
15/00335/PP | Erection of bonded warehouse,security and forklift storage building, associated car parking and new vehicular access, external landscaping including a SUDs pond. Incorporating a Masterplan in respect of 15/00685/MPLAN (PDA 2/35). | Land
Click on their links to explore the application documents which includes site maps.
The end for the village draws closer.