Possible Stupid Question Time - Is this Asbestos?

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Nov 25, 2012
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This past weekend myself and Sir Judders of HdRVille were visiting a certain derped hospital over Yorkshire way and I noticed this white stuff all over the floor.

It could be some form of insulation, but it seemed to emanate from all the cast-aside pipe lagging, which i believe is known to contain asbestos, neither myself or Judders could decided 100&% if this is or is not asbestos, to be on the safe side we tried to give it a wide birth, but I may as well throw the question out to the wider audience as its a 'hazard of the job' for us is this stuff, and very dangerous and I would rather know for certain what I am on the look out for.

Cheers one and all

Glass fibre pipe lagging is what it looks like to me, doesn't mean there isn't asbestos present though. Glass fibre is a pain cos it hangs on to you like ***** to a blanket. You should give it a miss either way. :)
Not a silly question at all. It could be either.
Asbestos is more widely used than people think, and isn't always hazardous.
Any kitchen sink made before the 80's will have a black 'rubber' pad under the tap to deaden the sound of the water - thats asbestos. Any rigid 'lino' tile from that time will have a high asbestos content, as does artex. Live buildings we go in every day are riddled with it, all completely safely, until its broken up of course.
Jest err of the sided of caution and just don't taste it. :p
should I not have liked it then ?

I wondered if fibre glass rather than asbestos but really wasn't confident either way
Looks like there are a few differing opinions so i am glad i asked now, even if its a ref for other people who are equally usure.
Look more like asbestos than fibreglass: the long whiskery strands are a tell-tale, as is the fact it's white (most commercial glassfibre insulation is either yellow, beige or pink). Can't be 100% but would suggest you leave it be, and give it a wide berth.
we used to have fibre glass at school (they made canoes out of it etc) and that was thin, long, white ...that's what made me wonder if this was fibreglass.

Either way we weren't confident and there was shed loads of the stuff all over the place
This particular photo was taken in one of the walkways between buildings. To be honest, it was everywhere aside from the boiler house.
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