Having a drive around today house hunting, left us with a bit of time to check out an old chrome plating company my Dad used to deal with through Swan kettles back in the 70's. There was a HUGE engineering development he told me about between Porchester and Alma streets. Went up after finding it on Google earth, and there wasn't much left! The place WAS massive, but due to this........
"Alma Street / Mews Walk / Porchester Street,Land bounded by, Newtown
Proposed residential scheme to include the partial demolition and partial re-use of buildings
resulting in the conversion/erection of 42 town houses and 125 flats, associated car parking,
landscaping and vehicle access from Porchester Street."
It's now mostly gone. Having wife and baby in the car, this was only a quick in and out of the main building , the long row of frontages are do-able when you're on the site, so I'll go back soon to have a go at them.
Original use:
"J R Pearson, 63-69 Burlington Street, Aston and 34 Porchester Street, Birmingham B19 2JY. Architectural metalware manufacturers established 1878, possibly as Sherrif & Pearson of 30½ High Street and 18a Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham. . Their trade mark is an 8-point star with JRP monogram therein. They are now also at 27, John Adam Street, Adelphi, WC2N 6HX, This mark on the reverse of a letter box flap."
Last use as R.S.A was a foundry/fabricator. Can't find much else, as the site was mainly un-used after 1988. The entire site was closed in the 90's and left with only a few small companies working into 2001.
Rest of pics here........http://www.flickr.com/photos/8776781@N02/sets/72157612443291218/
"Alma Street / Mews Walk / Porchester Street,Land bounded by, Newtown
Proposed residential scheme to include the partial demolition and partial re-use of buildings
resulting in the conversion/erection of 42 town houses and 125 flats, associated car parking,
landscaping and vehicle access from Porchester Street."
It's now mostly gone. Having wife and baby in the car, this was only a quick in and out of the main building , the long row of frontages are do-able when you're on the site, so I'll go back soon to have a go at them.
Original use:
"J R Pearson, 63-69 Burlington Street, Aston and 34 Porchester Street, Birmingham B19 2JY. Architectural metalware manufacturers established 1878, possibly as Sherrif & Pearson of 30½ High Street and 18a Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham. . Their trade mark is an 8-point star with JRP monogram therein. They are now also at 27, John Adam Street, Adelphi, WC2N 6HX, This mark on the reverse of a letter box flap."
Last use as R.S.A was a foundry/fabricator. Can't find much else, as the site was mainly un-used after 1988. The entire site was closed in the 90's and left with only a few small companies working into 2001.
Rest of pics here........http://www.flickr.com/photos/8776781@N02/sets/72157612443291218/
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