Explored in the company of Ladyhayles, Priority 7 and Urbanekul. A fun afternoon explore and whilst I doubt the photos will show anything not seen before this is our take on the place.
The history:
The full history can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicester_Airfield
More recently:
The photos:
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The history:
The full history can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicester_Airfield
More recently:
The Ministry of Defence still owns part of the site, that is used for British Army training. In June 2004, the RAF Gliding and Soaring Association moved to RAF Halton. The main use of the site is now civilian gliding, being home to both a newly-reformed (July 2004) Windrushers Gliding Club, who lease the site, and also the Oxford University Gliding Club and Cranfield University Gliding Club, as sub-sections within the Windrushers club.
The airfield is one of the finest examples of an unmodified pre-war RAF station still almost completely in existence, with many listed buildings. The brick-built 1934 "Fort" type 1959/34 control tower survives, as do the two C-type and two A-type aircraft hangars.
In the late 1990s, plans were proposed to develop the airfield for housing and industry, but they were abandoned due to strong local opposition and the historic nature of the site. In 2002, Cherwell District Council listed the area as a Conservation area.
The photos:
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