RAF Lympe, Lympe, Kent - July 2010 - Pic Heavy

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
North East Kent
Most of the site is now an industrial estate, although the area that remains appears to be the grounds of the nearby zoo, hence the animal crates.

Lympe was part of the network of RAF sites, including Detlin and Hawkinge, providing launching sites for aircraft during WW2














Interesting site. I note that the shelters are listed on the DOB database as Stanton shelters which I thought had arched sections so maybe they've got the listing wrong?

There's a Battle HQ 600 yards to the north of this position too along with a host of pillboxes. Be nice to see some pics of those if you get around to it. :)

Thanks for posting this.
The Pie hears yours prayers and will bestow further Manna from heaven soon. Although the Pie is mighty he is not omniscient and has misidentifed these shelters as Stantons. It's pretty hard to tell from up here.;)
An interesting thing about the shelters. At RAF Culmhead, the fighter pens had their own shelters and, IIRC they have the same brick-built entrances as those, but inside they are actually Stanton shelters. I don't know if that might be the same in this case, but Culmhead had a few unique defences.

Good site, tank. :)
An interesting thing about the shelters. At RAF Culmhead, the fighter pens had their own shelters and, IIRC they have the same brick-built entrances as those, but inside they are actually Stanton shelters. I don't know if that might be the same in this case, but Culmhead had a few unique defences.

Good site, tank. :)

Foxy, the standard Type B fighter pen has shelters built into the rear walls using Stanton sections in some cases external loopholed walls were added to provide local defence. The Type 11070/40 also has ha shelter built into the central arm but I don't think that used Stanton sections. More info here http://www.airfieldinformationexchange.org/community/showthread.php?381-Aircraft-Fighter-Pens if you are interested.
Foxy, the standard Type B fighter pen has shelters built into the rear walls using Stanton sections in some cases external loopholed walls were added to provide local defence.
Ah, cheers for the info, C'pn. It isn't something that occurred to me at the time of exploring RAF Culmhead, until reading this thread. If I recall, the one I went into at Culmhead also had the unmistakable shape of a Stanton...which always reminds me of a buried steam train. :mrgreen:
I've been a member of AIX for a couple of years, but keep forgetting to visit. :rolleyes: Ta for the link. :)
Time for a godzy factoid. RAF Lympne had a brief life in the 50's and 60's as a commerical hub and was known as Ashford airport - the title now dubiously enjoyed by Lydd airport. Good to see pics of this though - this is one for the list definitely !
Couple of further points of interest - Lympne was a venue that held pre and post war air races. It was also attacked during the Battle Of Britain on 15 August 1940, by Stuka's who destroyed a number of hangars. Effectively this made the airfield unusable and it became a emergency landing ground until repaired later in the year.