
Derelict Places

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Mar 9, 2013
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Visited here recently with another member. This was my first ever visit to an underground location and what an impressive location it was. After stumbling around in the dark we finally came across the entrance point.

Climbing down the ladder we were greeted with an impressive sight, 100's and 100's of metres of perfectly formed arches as far as the eye could see. Been my first visit to the underworld I was expecting rats, junk and god knows what else - how wrong I was. If it wasn't for the few empty beer cans and some T lights dotted around the place we could have been the first people down here in a 100 years.

What actually impressed more than anything was the quality of the build. The arches were perfect and from whatever angle you looked they were in perfect line. An impressive build by anyone's standards.

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Wow that's fantastic, looks like I'm adding this to my New Years visit list.

mmm not sure what to make of this! Its been off the map and not named to try protect it . great images of it tho. maybe at least call it something else and get rid of the last pik at least.
Oh wow...I hope you removed before the spraycan massive saw...these photographs are amazing, what a wonderful place :) sometimes secrets are best....
Good photos :)
Like others have said, it may be best to keep this off the radar if we can
its a unique place
Amazing photos. I kept having to remind myself that the 3rd last picture was not a painting!

What an amazing discovery, magnicient pictures they look just as if they were a painting or a vision in a mirror.
Really impressive set of pictures. There is something really timeless about Victorian brickwork and arches that concrete can never replace.
Wow, really amazing. Disappointed I didn't catch the location details, but hopefully I can learn of it elsewhere :)
I van guess the photo that was removed. Really was a bit foolish! Nice shots though. Loved it down here.
I remember first setting foot in here earlier this year, I switched my torch on and nearly ******!

Some decent pics you have here, but I think a little consideration should sometimes be given to what's posted up in the public domain

Luckily this place has evaded being closed off (for now) but many other places are often quickly sealed after 'johnny be bad' is quick to spunk stuff all over facebook etc to impress his mates

^ It's that kind of attitude that sometimes kills this hobby, (Don't even get me started on people whoring stuff out to the daily fail etc)

Thing is we are not the URB0x Police lol, but things are certainly getting a lot more awkward because of a few selfish c***s spoiling it for other people!

Feel free to delete this as you will, I would have posted it in NP if you had such a place

(Also in this thread I do notice much of the site info has been withheld, but still..)

I think with no information to lead where this place is in this thread, is not going to do it no harm, Ojay.
I totally get where your coming from, the likes of you, me and other level headed folk who knows the location of this place are not going to be silly enough to spill the beans.
As it is, it's harmless, anymore info to this thread will be questionable. As a photographer, I enjoy the photos.
But of course, that's my opinion.

Happy exploring! :)