Severalls Help anyone? :)

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Jan 9, 2011
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Hi all,
First post so just quickly to introduce myself - im Scott, and im a no good lazy arse history student :p
Im currently working on a peice about the history of Severalls hospital, and would be very very greatful to anyone who could point me in the direction of some decent plans - naturally ive looked on google, but cant find anything of sufficiant quality.

After searching this site (which i think is fantastic by the way!) i found a post by a member called Alias, from a while back, with a link to a website ( ) which apparently has such a map, but the website is password protected, if anyone has the password that would be very helpful!

Thanks for reading guys! :)
If your after plans of Severalls your best bet will be to ask the local council. They gave someone I know some high res copies on disk.
Thanks guys, i have tried the password request but nothing seemed to be happening for me when i did, perhaps its just my computer playing up?
Ill give the council a go, the thought had crossed my mind but i had dismissed it thinking they would be quite unhelpful as they so often are, by the sounds of things tho, its worth a go! :)
You can often find them on the Public Access part of the Council's website, from when a Planning Application went it.

Alternatively if there's a current application in progress they may give you a set they've printed off, or charge you for copies. They've got to let you have a set if you ask.
I just clicked the password request and it asked me to fill in a small form (email, name, why? etc) and it is now being processed.

It does say that you must have your cookies enabled on your computer, could this be your problem???

Nelly :mrgreen:
Thanks for the advice Chris :)

That might well be it Nelly, im using a university computer at the minute so it wouldnt surprise me if cookies were blocked!
If you do get hold of the password id be very greatful to have it! Thanks very much for the help! :mrgreen:
Thanks for the advice Chris :)

That might well be it Nelly, im using a university computer at the minute so it wouldnt surprise me if cookies were blocked!
If you do get hold of the password id be very greatful to have it! Thanks very much for the help! :mrgreen:

Your local council records archive may well have original plans which they have to give you access to by law :)

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