Severalls - Night Explore - June 14

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jan 8, 2014
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Hello All,

Me again, this time with my photos from Severalls Mental Asylum at night!
I wont post the history of this place as everyone knows all about it.

So myself and a non member got to the parking spot at around 12:30am and made our way around the back. After various squeezes through various fences and still not being able to get into the actual grounds to the hospital, we get to the part of the fence that i remember from my first visit to this place back in Jan this year, but everything in the dark looks totally different than it did in the day.

We eventually got in an made our way to the building, as walking along the outside, we saw some light coming from inside. We watched whilst standing still and saw movement. I went into the building and was met by 2 explorers, one of which was ShadyDarkside, who posts on this forum and Abandoned England, Hi mate!!
He told us there was about 8 of them in and around the Asylum and told me where to find the bed, something that i had missed on my first visit :)

So, here are afew of the shots i took in Sevs on a night time explore!

14477462824_feaf3a11b1_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292222207_65397090ed_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292089418_e989cfb6e4_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292224967_d5e2b6970d_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14455576356_9ee8c9fa56_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14475302511_ca0591272f_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14475303901_e9cfce7433_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14477471384_7c38e851b8_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14478673005_d813aff626_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292042889_1a34329c29_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14477400052_010e1c3c90_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14455583956_2eaa6d7b45_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292046519_1696250a87_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14455585996_fd25c5c473_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14292102848_99fc43994b_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

14477482974_59a91b8e07_b.jpgNight time Severalls Explore by DirtyJigsaw, on Flickr

Hope you enjoyed my photos :)

Thanks for the comments everyone :) I loved it, was great at night
It must be difficult to give a unique perspective to such a popular location, so this is brilliant. The last photo is class. :)
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love exploring this place. every time i go it amazes me because i find something new each time. love the light effect in the third pic down. did you meet the security? i did and what wonderful people they are.
That's epic, only ever done sevs in the day time but at night that looks a real blast.

Just when you think you've seen every possible style of photo of here....
Fantastic job, really enjoyed the photos and write up :)
Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Yeah. It's certainly a different place at night. I love it.
How did you generate the ghost like effect from the light painting in the third picture?

This was made completely random. I met afew people in there and as I set up the room shot for a 30 second exposure, one of them walked in towards me with his torch on. I said you were in my shot but I don't care because this is the photo you've made me and I showed him :)

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