Well, after searching for hours on the net for history of it's ORIGINAL use, I've come up with bugger all. It's another old building that was later split into various businesses. An Air con maintenance shop, a shoe maker, a restaurant and of all things, a photo studio with evidence of nude stuff and catalogue shots. The location and style of building would suggest an old engineering works, OR jewelry makers. It's a pretty big site, and from certain point you can see another well known site on Camden drive/Legge lane
Quite a chance explore, as the Mother-in-law said she'd found one further up the road, but it was secure. I said"How abaout a walk down there, I've seen a few old buildings in Sloane Lane area?"
JACKPOT!!!! Easy access, just LOTS of squatter/junkie activity on upper floors.
I so wanted to get out this door by this point. It's a very nasty building inside now, and whatever WAS there before is really buggered by vandal damage.

Quite a chance explore, as the Mother-in-law said she'd found one further up the road, but it was secure. I said"How abaout a walk down there, I've seen a few old buildings in Sloane Lane area?"
JACKPOT!!!! Easy access, just LOTS of squatter/junkie activity on upper floors.

I so wanted to get out this door by this point. It's a very nasty building inside now, and whatever WAS there before is really buggered by vandal damage.

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