Smurfit Kappa Pump Station
Cant find a lot about this place, i thought it had been covered before but cant find report so anyone feel free to link it?
There is lots of history of the paper mills that have been on this site for many years here THE PAPER MILL: EARLY HISTORY, the current mill is still live & owned by smurfit as many across the country are.
This site is the old water processing plant that was presumably used in the manufacturing process but is now surplus to requirements.
The explore
This was as usual just a quick stop off I did while down south on my own last year. easy enough though climbing the fence on a very busy thoroughfare was interesting & coming out I was hid in the hedge waiting for a opening while people walked just feet away without noticing.
I can at least appear to know what Im looking at here... This was the gravity filter house 
Settled water pump hs was not bad
Stream Pump Hs is a very similar set up
Moving through the yard there was a small office with not a lot in it
Finally into the main pump hs
Thanks For Looking!