St Jospehs - September 2012

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Over The Hills And far Away
St Josephs Seminary

Aka Jameah Islameah School

An interesting explore indeed. I won’t go into its murky past as the history also makes for a great read. I will add this link for anyone who wishes to read more.

The reason for not putting up much about the site is that it detracts from exploring old buildings which is the common denominator with us all.

My friend SK did an excellent report on the site and I recommend reading it. Thanks, also goes to him for more details about the place.

I was joined by friends, Jess and Luke Takes Pictures on this trip. A good time was had by all :)

On with the images………..!

Our First view of the site.





We didn’t venture any further as we heard voices, so we headed upstairs.




Always having a respect for others even though it might not be mutual, I did remove my footwear to enter the prayer room. It sure was a first to go U E without any shoes.


Back on the ground floor.


The place is certainly lived in.


One room had a beautiful scent, it makes a change from most of the places we all visit.

This was why.


We decided to leave after hearing voices again.

Not giving up just yet we had our sights on the church.

Part 2


Unlike the rest of the site the church is in a very poor state. Infested with pigeons, the building is empty other than internal scaffolding holding up the tower. It was by far the best part of the trip for me and in the right light it oozes a real atmosphere.



The mini cloisters which connect the church to the rest of the building are special too and held a little treat just off the corridor.


Closest we got, as just to the left of this image was a door and lots of talking going on within that room.


We decided to head out and back through the church.


We never made it to the Gym.


Shortly after this shot we found out that there is life on the site as we were asked to leave!
Now between you and I, I'm not sure if they had any right to be there either.
I hope you enjoyed the report and thanks for looking :mrgreen:

It was thoughtful of you to abide by the rules of the site and remove your shoes. Many people wouldn't have been so respectful.
Excellent report, the place looks fantasic! By the sounds of it you had a close call with the others, good work!

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