Steetly Magnesite Demolished 04.09

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2008
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I would recommend you get down there soon if you wish to see it, as it's coming down.

Demolished Areas

Sadly the stunts and wood slates have been knocked down, and mixing arm has gone.




All the metals stripped out of here.


This arm has now fallen.





All that remains of the Oil Tank.



Lonely chair.


Streetly Home Cinema



What's on the box?

very fitting that tape of the land before time.nice photos of the site
Man that site is gonna take some serious cleaning up.

I dread to think what's in the ground there.
So is this "official" metal removal or is it because the scrap price has risen again and every pikey South of the Tyne is lining their pockets?

It is a beautiful site I think. It will be sad to see it gone (or probably buried cos its safer!).
That place must get fairly congested with visitors. Its has urbexers, bottle diggers, chavs and pikies all paying regular visits lol
You will have plenty of time to see it Mr Sam as official demolition was halted a little while ago. Initially the company that wanted to build the houses were granted tentative permission and then started attempting to bulldoze everything with the oil tanker first to go along with the storage warehouses further along the road. Then they hit the red tape of the land being designated for industry and not housing and have since put the demolition on hold and it looks like a long job to be honest as issues with regards land designation don't just get changed over night.

Most of the stuff like the arm that had fallen in those pictures and insides of one tank being stripped was simply scrap merchants still trying to gather any little bit more than they'd already sucked out of the site. Get yourself down there, still plenty to photograph even in it's current state.
Was there the other week, there was a pikey with an angle grinder attacking the pier.

Police turned up and spoke to them for about a minute then came over to bother me to check the model I was photographing was over 18. They were more bothered about that than the damn pikeys due to the site being demo-ed soon anyway.

Need to get their priorities sorted!
I think most of the damage done here is natural, or kids/pikeys.
Are there any plans to officailly demolish this site? i get the feeling that with the amount of work needed, and money that will need to be spent etc i very much doubt anything is going to happen soon.
Police seemed to reckon it was going soon like. But then yeah it has been meant to have been happening for a longggggg time now.
The facts of the case are that Culford properties have stated the site will cost approximately 8 million to clear and that any building works after that will take 6 years to complete. Neither of those two figures would make it even remotely possible to start any work on the site in the current economic climate.

Culford Properties did dismantle the warehouses and some of the other more 'dangerous' areas of the site but they will NOT spend money on securing the place because they realise that they would be fighting a loosing battle. Too large a site and too many access points from all sides to even consider trying to fence the place off.

In May last year the fight over the argument the developers had with Natural England about the birds nesting on the pier and protecting their habitat was sorted out and it was believed then that that would be the start of the development going ahead. By June it looked even more certain with the plans being accepted by the Council but by March this year the Government had rejected the plans on two counts. The first harking back to the original issue with the birds habitat being preserved and the second being that the land is not designated for housing.

Our Mayor has said that there most certainly will be no work on the Steetley site before the Summer and that he fears it may run on for a long time to come and my guess is that we will still be having discussions like this a year from now.

This story gives a bit more information on the timescale we're looking at here. A public enquiry is due to take place because of the issues I just mentioned above that that may not take place until September 2009 with the findings of that possibly not being announced until March 2010.

When talking about why the enquiry is taking place the article states:

"They include whether the houses could be built on an alternative site, whether an alternative approach to the decontamination of the area can be found and whether the development will contribute to regeneration, the local economy, housing and transport needs. Other factors to be examined include whether the development fits in with the Hartlepool Local Plan, precautions for coastal erosion and potential flood risks."

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