My journey started this morning, I was awoken by the distinctive BUZZZZZ BUZZZZ BUZZZZ of my awful bloody alarm clock that I've owned for 100000 years and loathed every rude awakening.
Particularly in this case because last night I didn't get to bed till 1am, I also realised that my train to Leicester was 30 mins before the first bus of the day. But with stupid amounts of emotional blackmailing good'ole mum to the rescue. She got up at 6am to take me to the train station, what a legened eh? Parents, not quite as bad as they make out they are haha.
"We will shortly be arriving in Leicester...Leicester our next station call..."
Had arranged to meet Goldie87 at Leics train station at 8.30 and get a lift the rest of the way, cheers mate. I owe you.
Funny access to say the least, I should have let you lot carry on going in difficult ways instead of point out the obvious...
Anyhow, I'm sick of typing so here are the pics
Flame Resistant Suit FTW!!!
Inside a kiln
Medical Room
Do want!!!
And I leave you with a poor cat, that never did catch that god-damn mouse
Also I made a quick vid of us hiding from security (who had dogs...)
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Hope you like
BTW Sorry for slow loading time, big pics