I've decided not to name this one by its true name for the obvious reasons. The regulars will probably recognise it but I'd rather keep this place quiet because of how untouched it is.
This place wasn't high on the list for our road trip, but we were in the area at the time so I suggested we have a peek. I'm very glad we did. What a beautiful house! There was only a few bits of graffiti on the outside, the usual copper fairy evidence inside, everything apart from building materials had been stripped or stolen, but it was nice to see it, and to my surprise - actually find a way in. And another gorgeous day, but this was to be the last of the sunshine though!
This house was built between 1700's for the 10th Lord of the estate, and the architect is unknown. There have been several plans to convert it to housing or hotel use, all of which have fallen through or been abandoned, I'm not sure which plan was being undertaken when the builders picked up their tools and never returned. It has been reported to have served as a temporary orphanage during WW2 and was kept in good condition until then, but by the 1970's it was being used as storage for a local fruit growing operation. There have been several attempts to save and restore it, the external restoration being the most successful. In the late 70's it was sold and a plan for create luxury accommodation collapsed as the company which had large bank and local authority investment for the project folded. Further plans to market the property were jeopardised when the lead from a completed roofing restoration was stolen by the fairies.
I was quite surprised by how untouched this place is. It is obviously a hang out spot for local school kids. The ripped up and partially burnt homework was a give away. But everything of value or interest was long gone. Some moldy bags of cement and construction supplies were all we found. A grand old house with some stunning features on the outside, but inside was definitely the fanciest abandoned building site I have ever set foot in!
I loved the stone stairs in here!
After endless empty rooms we went down into the pitch black basement:
So yeah, as I said, fanciest abandoned construction site I've been to!
Thanks for looking!
This place wasn't high on the list for our road trip, but we were in the area at the time so I suggested we have a peek. I'm very glad we did. What a beautiful house! There was only a few bits of graffiti on the outside, the usual copper fairy evidence inside, everything apart from building materials had been stripped or stolen, but it was nice to see it, and to my surprise - actually find a way in. And another gorgeous day, but this was to be the last of the sunshine though!
This house was built between 1700's for the 10th Lord of the estate, and the architect is unknown. There have been several plans to convert it to housing or hotel use, all of which have fallen through or been abandoned, I'm not sure which plan was being undertaken when the builders picked up their tools and never returned. It has been reported to have served as a temporary orphanage during WW2 and was kept in good condition until then, but by the 1970's it was being used as storage for a local fruit growing operation. There have been several attempts to save and restore it, the external restoration being the most successful. In the late 70's it was sold and a plan for create luxury accommodation collapsed as the company which had large bank and local authority investment for the project folded. Further plans to market the property were jeopardised when the lead from a completed roofing restoration was stolen by the fairies.
I was quite surprised by how untouched this place is. It is obviously a hang out spot for local school kids. The ripped up and partially burnt homework was a give away. But everything of value or interest was long gone. Some moldy bags of cement and construction supplies were all we found. A grand old house with some stunning features on the outside, but inside was definitely the fanciest abandoned building site I have ever set foot in!

I loved the stone stairs in here!

After endless empty rooms we went down into the pitch black basement:

So yeah, as I said, fanciest abandoned construction site I've been to!
Thanks for looking!