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Derelict Places

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The stone lintel appears to have the year 1636, perhaps  followed by Av and Dv - Ave in Latin means "hail" (as in Ave Maria), and Dv could relate to Deo Volente - God Willing.  "REB" in the lower line could refer to a member of the Boot family (also the year 1636).  And there is "Ave" after REB.

Assuming the original layout was symetrical - and noting the horizontal dash to the left of 1636 - there may have been another year at the start of the line.   What is there looks to be "Ax", which seems to make no sense.

The photos show no suggestion as to where there may have been either an inclined tramway or even a straight roadway to take the stone from the quarry to the roads below.  But the machinery includes hand-operated winches, using wire hawsers to bring loads up to the quarry, or lower them under control to a nearby road.

A good set of pics.
