A few years back, I was wandering around a foreign urbex forum and my jaw dropped when I stumbled across a report on a train, I had to see it. Try as I might I couldn't track it down, fast forward to a few months back and the same train started to pop up a little more. I was determined to see it, clearly either I have got better at searching or my luck was in. After no more than a few minutes I had a solid lead and then five minutes on from that I had found my quarry, at least I hoped I did as I only had overhead shots from gmaps to proide any measure of confirmation.
Now all that was needed was someone that fancied a euro trip, I felt sure someone would be up for it. Knowing a few of my normal exploring buddies were otherwise engage in normal life experiences, one even claimed they couldn't make it as they were off to the artic circle or some equally unbelieveable location. I reached out to Bikinglynn who I had been lucky enough to do a few UK trip with, eureka we were on and now it was just the anticipation of waiting for the day to arrive.
I must at this stage thank Bikinglynn for driving the whole trip, we left on the eurotunnel, through France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany covering over 2000 miles across our 5 day adventure. A superb explorer who holds the same values as I when urbexing, proper old school like so many others I have had the pleasure of exploring with. 30+ site successfully visited, with the addition of two sites that have been demo'd and 4 we walked away from as there was no way in.
Now I digress sorry the train, is a replica of the 1954 World Cup Train that carried the victorious West Germany football team on a tour around after the tournement, the original has long since been made into frankfurter tin cans. I was made for the film that documented the teams triumph and has since been left to rot in various sidings around Germany as no-one seems to know what to do with it. Sadly it has seen some significant vandalism and besides smashed internal windows, a clear attempt to strip copper wiring the front engine has been turned in a canvas for some pretty poor graffitti.
That said the train is still full of atmosphere.
Thanks for looking all
Now all that was needed was someone that fancied a euro trip, I felt sure someone would be up for it. Knowing a few of my normal exploring buddies were otherwise engage in normal life experiences, one even claimed they couldn't make it as they were off to the artic circle or some equally unbelieveable location. I reached out to Bikinglynn who I had been lucky enough to do a few UK trip with, eureka we were on and now it was just the anticipation of waiting for the day to arrive.
I must at this stage thank Bikinglynn for driving the whole trip, we left on the eurotunnel, through France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany covering over 2000 miles across our 5 day adventure. A superb explorer who holds the same values as I when urbexing, proper old school like so many others I have had the pleasure of exploring with. 30+ site successfully visited, with the addition of two sites that have been demo'd and 4 we walked away from as there was no way in.
Now I digress sorry the train, is a replica of the 1954 World Cup Train that carried the victorious West Germany football team on a tour around after the tournement, the original has long since been made into frankfurter tin cans. I was made for the film that documented the teams triumph and has since been left to rot in various sidings around Germany as no-one seems to know what to do with it. Sadly it has seen some significant vandalism and besides smashed internal windows, a clear attempt to strip copper wiring the front engine has been turned in a canvas for some pretty poor graffitti.
That said the train is still full of atmosphere.












Thanks for looking all