Theres one......

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Apr 13, 2012
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.....The words of my companion on a wet afternoon, a day of locked doors, boarded up windows and overwhelming disappointment had lead us to driving around looking. For what? Anything. A house, office or pillbox would have done. The traffic jam we sat in gave us a chance to look about when... "Theres one!"

So we had a look. this the part where some of you cry cos the angles arnt perpendicular enough..:nah::yes:

Let me continue the tale.....
We parked and had a walk. there was little exterior damage and the place looked massive...

Then. a voice. muffled and distant, it s*it me up..

there was no other signs of life or movement so we moved on...

The building kept its secrets and its identity hidden, no paper work or furniture ment no clues.....then the voice again. we stoped dead and waited......

no more sounds..what was that voice, curiosity over took fear i had to no who it was...

this ones level :notworthy:

Everything had been taken and what hadn't was smashed. However the far end of the building started to tell us something.....

An interveiw room and yale locked doors?? some kind of police station?
THE VOICE! Louder and much clearer. " your presence is unauthorised, stay where you are security is on route...." the voice slow and streched like a worn out tape... a recording.

The front desk..definitely a police station...

Panick button.....

and here, this is where the voice was coming from...R2's little brother....

Without power the magnetised security doors opened without the need of a keyfob, without a keyfob the systems active and the internal alarm is turned on....

but there was noone there to here it...

As we left this last room we entered a second secuity zone, this time the alarm had a high pitched noise and alarm that stoped us in are tracks, we left. On the way out we came across a man with some keys, it may have been that he was the the security man the voice was talking about.....
Fantastic write up and pics there dude! No sign of any holdings cells then? :)

no cells no. but i think it was a customs building of some sort not police. At least part of it was the other part was used by Aon Risk services they did fire safety risk assessments- thats what Google told me anyway.
Looks like a closed down Dole office/Jobcentre to me (oh the irony). They have secure interview rooms and security staff. Would also explain the lack of holding cells. Customs Officers have power of arrest and detention IIRC.

Not sure it's the sort of place I would find interesting but your report and pics certainly are. So thanks. :)
I would have said a Job Centre or even the Council Housing Offices but then when you mentioned Fire Risk Assessments, it kind of throws that out of the window...

Either way, great pics! :)
How so mate? All work places require fire risk assessment, or am I misunderstanding you?

OP Posted:
used by Aon Risk services they did fire safety risk assessments

A job centre etc wouldn't hire out apart of their building to a company would they? I could be wrong but never known a situation like that...
OP Posted:

A job centre etc wouldn't hire out apart of their building to a company would they? I could be wrong but never known a situation like that...

The DWP lease buildings the same as everyone else. It's possible.

Very few assets are in public ownership now, I know a few job centres that share buildings with other companies.
The DWP lease buildings the same as everyone else. It's possible.

Very few assets are in public ownership now, I know a few job centres that share buildings with other companies.

Thanks for that! Munchh, you could be right then, it could be a Job Centre!
funny write up!
so nice shots aswel!
curiousity often gets the better of most people when exploring, people either turn around and leave, some people take the chance.
Many times ive been in a situation in which something curious like a voice, a strange noise or someones flash light, lead me to find out what it was/who.
I bet you laughed though!
funny write up!
so nice shots aswel!
curiousity often gets the better of most people when exploring, people either turn around and leave, some people take the chance.
Many times ive been in a situation in which something curious like a voice, a strange noise or someones flash light, lead me to find out what it was/who.
I bet you laughed though!

it was funny when we found out what it was, but if it did alert the old boy with the keys his respons time was shocking.
nice report! Always good to see new reports from this part of the world.
haha well if he was an old boy, im sure it took his ears a long time to adjust probably only ever hears the alert at night time and thinks "bugger it damn kids" haha