Thoughts on Urban Exploration?

Derelict Places

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Jan 14, 2013
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Hi guys and gals.
I dont know how many of you have seen my helo section but im trying to find some people thoughts of urban exploration and how you may relate that to such things like the current economic climate or decline of British Industry?

I personally feel that although some sites we all have an interest in documenting may not be linked to industry they are all inked to thw rise and fall of financial climates. More money = New buildings = old ones go to rack and ruin.
What do you guys all think?
Physicality, politics, the economy.

None of those has any remote bearing on why I choose to do what I do or when I do it.

I explore derelict buildings, climb infrastructure, marvel at underground spaces, roam landscapes and commit other acts of recreational trespass purely for the joy of spaces that relatively few others think for themselves to go seek and enjoy; and all the intangible social, mental and psycho-geographical reasons that go with it.
Physicality, politics, the economy.

None of those has any remote bearing on why I choose to do what I do or when I do it.

I explore derelict buildings, climb infrastructure, marvel at underground spaces, roam landscapes and commit other acts of recreational trespass purely for the joy of spaces that relatively few others think for themselves to go seek and enjoy; and all the intangible social, mental and psycho-geographical reasons that go with it.

Couldn't agree more
To be honest thats a side of it I hadnt thought about myself i had only been thinking abut it for the last few days and have otheer things i would prefer to do with my time (im an avid darts player and enjoy to take my camera for a lengthy walk through the country and absorb the countryside)
I love the link of pysicalityto it. Thats somthing im going to explore tomorrow (And will post pics up to show what I saw) Cheers for the extra insight.
How do you feel photography plays a a part in this? i like the fact that some of these buildings will never be built or reproduced again and love the fact htat they are being recorded for the people in the future to see what helped shape their world into what they see before them, not to mention that that some of them are so arcatechtully beautifull .
Not so long back, I typed the following on Facebook...

I maybe young and unemployable but guess what... I'm young and I'm free! Money doesn't mean **** all when you have the most amazing wife and children in the world!

Everytime that I stand in a derelict and collapsing building, stand on a rooftop or dangle between floors just to take a photograph, I'm doing it to show that I am free that I WONT be controlled by anybody, Im doing it to show my children that they don't need to always play by the rules, sometimes you need to make them up yourself and enjoy every second of it.

We have one life, don't waste it...LIVE IT!
Great buildings come and go, they always have and always will. We build to suit our needs during the time - Sadly these days we construct new buildings on cost - I work in the woodworking trade, I see skills being pushed out of what we do - More so since the banking crisis. People want a product and they want it as cheap as possible - it’s the same the world over.

Sites like this document these fast disappearing skills - For me exploring is all about stepping back in time, looking into the fabric of a building to see how it was made, the purpose it served. Sadly some people who explore simply do so to post photos as an ego trip.

Whilst I agree with the forum protocol of protecting derelict sites I also think we should approach with a level head. I am all for not naming sensitive sites - It works - I will however pass info on to fellow explorers who post on the forum and are in it for the right reasons. After all we are trespassing - So people who take the moral high ground when it comes to these places are being slightly hypocritical.

In the majority of instances it is not Urban Explorers who contribute the demise of these buildings - They are after all derelict, the chances are local low life will find them and strip them bare.

I spent a great deal of time and effort trying to save one of our local churches from demolition - The local Diocese did everything in their power to ensure the demise of the building, these people do not care about preserving history - Derelict buildings are usually (not always) a problem in the eyes of the owners so you are always fighting a loosing battle no matter what you do. Accept that you alone will not save the building you are trespassing in and just enjoy looking at the craftsmanship of these great places before its too late - In years to come, who knows, future generations may look back at sites like this an awe.

This is not a rant - Its just my opinion, if you don’t agree fair enough, I thought I’d post it up anyway :)
I enjoy the thrill of being somewhere I shouldn't, especially when up a crane, for example. It creates a visceral experience like no other! Sometimes it is surreal, you forget about the outside world... In a strange way, I find it almost therapeutic because I forget about all my day-to-day issues. When out exploring you have to concentrate 100% and by doing this you immerse yourself in the distinct atmosphere a derelict space has.
Not so long back, I typed the following on Facebook...

I maybe young and unemployable but guess what... I'm young and I'm free! Money doesn't mean **** all when you have the most amazing wife and children in the world!

Everytime that I stand in a derelict and collapsing building, stand on a rooftop or dangle between floors just to take a photograph, I'm doing it to show that I am free that I WONT be controlled by anybody, Im doing it to show my children that they don't need to always play by the rules, sometimes you need to make them up yourself and enjoy every second of it.

We have one life, don't waste it...LIVE IT!

That is an interesting view, i worked in facrication shop (welding) and was made redundent as it was cheaper to source from East (China ect...) Ths is one point i am going to put in my work. how all the skilled trades are getting forgotten or not asked for or they are being over run by micky mouse 'tradesmen' due to the rise in the population.
I was speaking to a thatcher (straw roofer) the other week an he was saying he has given up as here is no money in it anymore, people want it cheaper and the demand for thatched roofs is getting smaller and smaller... felt sorry for the guy, he had loved his trade!