Tonna Mansion, Neath - March 2012

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Mid Wales
This is a Large house in the Tonna area of Neath. Referred to as 'Tonna Mansion' by locals.

As written in clay_9's report it's been abandoned for 20+ years and apparently the owner lost a child in a fire and just left the place and never returned. Other than that I have no other info, sorry guys :)

Unfortunately we were only able to go into the cellar, with no roof the elements have taken their toll and what was left of the floors was unsafe to say the least so decided not to risk it. I imagine it would have been a really lovely place in it's day, such a shame to see buildings like this go to waste..

Thanks for looking :)
It's deteriorated significantly in the last year or so since I was last there, sad.
It's deteriorated significantly in the last year or so since I was last there, sad.

Ye I had a look back at you pics and can see the difference, it is sad :( thanks for sharing though still a nice place to mooch about :)

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