A.k.a. Jim's first rooftop/Jim pops his rooftop cherry/Jim nearly craps his pants 
Mucho thanks to Conrad for his support.
Well, we'd been looking to do this one for a while, as it's in the process of being demolished. We'd prowled the Heras fencing in the past on at least 2 separate occasions during the day, before being stared off or chased away by Hi-Vis heavies.
As any of you that have explored with me know, I'm not the biggest fan of heights or high climbs, so getting in had to be reasonable to minimise freak outs! We continued to keep an eye on the building whilst looking at other bits in the area and found a weakness in it's changing state
After bumbling around in corridors, throwing ourselves through holes, braving asbestos, stepping on glass, a bit of climbing, getting freaked out by rats, pigeons and town loud mouths, we were in! We also managed to have a look at the hotel next door and were surprised to find still furnished rooms, complete with beds, lamps, pillows, etc.
Taking shots was quite difficult using only ambient light, hence why there aren't many internals.
We ascertained that the building is in it's final few months, because most of the mobile phone masts have gone.
No Masts Remain by Slim Jim, on Flickr
Things carried on below as usual, blissfully unaware that we were watching.
Safe & Sound Behind The Railing by Slim Jim, on Flickr
This Town Don't Sleep by Slim Jim, on Flickr
Wasn't much to see inside. All the partitions had been taken down and areas had been sealed off for asbestos removal. I hope they had the HEPA vac and negative air machine going in the bit we were in while they cleared it out...
Wrecked by Slim Jim, on Flickr
Group shot.
Ambient by Slim Jim, on Flickr
A Pretty short report, but an intense explore!
Thanks for looking.
Mucho thanks to Conrad for his support.
Well, we'd been looking to do this one for a while, as it's in the process of being demolished. We'd prowled the Heras fencing in the past on at least 2 separate occasions during the day, before being stared off or chased away by Hi-Vis heavies.
As any of you that have explored with me know, I'm not the biggest fan of heights or high climbs, so getting in had to be reasonable to minimise freak outs! We continued to keep an eye on the building whilst looking at other bits in the area and found a weakness in it's changing state
Taking shots was quite difficult using only ambient light, hence why there aren't many internals.
We ascertained that the building is in it's final few months, because most of the mobile phone masts have gone.

Things carried on below as usual, blissfully unaware that we were watching.

Wasn't much to see inside. All the partitions had been taken down and areas had been sealed off for asbestos removal. I hope they had the HEPA vac and negative air machine going in the bit we were in while they cleared it out...

Group shot.

A Pretty short report, but an intense explore!
Thanks for looking.
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