Well here we go with Pt 4 of the Bristol TM's explore !! This time it is the turn of the original Brunel terminal station (now an exhibition and function hall) to the left of the present station. I first visited here back in 2005 with fellow member 31130, and i think that it was this little escapade that got me into exploring. Six years ago this was just a trip out and something to do that was a little differant, consequently i only had a compact camera with me and, rather stupidly, no torch. !! So since then i have been itching to get back to try and record the place, photographically, as best i could. Unfortunately since 2005 much has changed and even with contacts at the station this section was fairly off limits so i waited and waited until eventually 31130 and i hatched a plan !! In the end access was so damn easy, all it took was a few white lies and a bit of luck !! So here we go, i hope you enjoy it. !!
First off is a rough idea of exactly where i'm talking about !! Hope it's legable !!
After gaining entry we headed off under the original terminus and into the vaults. This area is pitch black.
This is at the far end of the terminus, just before the start of the engine and carriage shed. As you can see this vault used to extend the full length of both buildings but the archways have now been briked up !!
This is the scene looking across the vault with the bricked up section to the right.
This is looking the opposite way with the bricked up section now on the left. At the top is one of the ash holes, where ash from the locomotives firebox could be shovelled down into waiting carts and removed from the site.
.....and here is a closer view.
The vaults have become a dumping ground for years and contain everything from pallets to schematic diagrams, but in places are photogenic.
Just to show how random some of this rubbish is. This is a tube containing paperwork for 2 duplicate boilers and mountings for The Federated Malay States Railway and is marked up as from Kitson & Co 1913 !!!
..... and here are afew more discarded tube lids !!
Now i'm never that suprised anymore at the objects discarded in abandoned places BUT i must admit i wasn't expecting to meet this fella !!
Out into the cross passageway now for a bit of nostalger !! POSTER TIME !!
First up the New Boeing 747 flown by B.O.A.C and the Hoverspeed service to the I.O.W
Departure board for Exeter St Davids for 1973
Clapham Transport Museum and car parking !!
Porthcawl and the Isles Of Scilly
Rover tickets and some bargains to Devon
All for 30 bob ( £1.50) to you !!
Fancy a trip to Bristol airport, coaches leave from here !! Check out the telephone number !!
Remember wnen your private train company was good old
This i can only assume was an illuminated sign from the station at Clifton Down
At the rear of the corridor is another old room (under the car park) but now completely sealed up and inhabited by pigeons -- thousands of 'em !!
Out now to one of the two goods lifts, last used in 1965 and now in a very sorry stete !!
Complete with No Smoking sign !!
The exit stairs now part of a fire exit
And lastly a couple of ' crackers ' from the good old days !! Sadly both since removed !!
Well thats it for Part 4 BUT i dont think that will be the last instalment as BTM has much more to discover !! STAY TUNED !!!!!!
First off is a rough idea of exactly where i'm talking about !! Hope it's legable !!
After gaining entry we headed off under the original terminus and into the vaults. This area is pitch black.
This is at the far end of the terminus, just before the start of the engine and carriage shed. As you can see this vault used to extend the full length of both buildings but the archways have now been briked up !!
This is the scene looking across the vault with the bricked up section to the right.
This is looking the opposite way with the bricked up section now on the left. At the top is one of the ash holes, where ash from the locomotives firebox could be shovelled down into waiting carts and removed from the site.
.....and here is a closer view.
The vaults have become a dumping ground for years and contain everything from pallets to schematic diagrams, but in places are photogenic.
Just to show how random some of this rubbish is. This is a tube containing paperwork for 2 duplicate boilers and mountings for The Federated Malay States Railway and is marked up as from Kitson & Co 1913 !!!
..... and here are afew more discarded tube lids !!
Now i'm never that suprised anymore at the objects discarded in abandoned places BUT i must admit i wasn't expecting to meet this fella !!
Out into the cross passageway now for a bit of nostalger !! POSTER TIME !!
First up the New Boeing 747 flown by B.O.A.C and the Hoverspeed service to the I.O.W
Departure board for Exeter St Davids for 1973
Clapham Transport Museum and car parking !!
Porthcawl and the Isles Of Scilly
Rover tickets and some bargains to Devon
All for 30 bob ( £1.50) to you !!
Fancy a trip to Bristol airport, coaches leave from here !! Check out the telephone number !!
Remember wnen your private train company was good old
This i can only assume was an illuminated sign from the station at Clifton Down
At the rear of the corridor is another old room (under the car park) but now completely sealed up and inhabited by pigeons -- thousands of 'em !!
Out now to one of the two goods lifts, last used in 1965 and now in a very sorry stete !!
Complete with No Smoking sign !!
The exit stairs now part of a fire exit
And lastly a couple of ' crackers ' from the good old days !! Sadly both since removed !!
Well thats it for Part 4 BUT i dont think that will be the last instalment as BTM has much more to discover !! STAY TUNED !!!!!!