Unknown warehouse, Newport, Wales.

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Apr 18, 2012
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Located nr the 'City Bridge' crossing the River Usk in Newport, and taken in April 2010.

I know nothing of the history of the building, nor if it still stands. The area was being developed at the time, so it may very well not exist any more sadly. Naturally, if anyone happens to know anything of the place, I would welcome the info.

I actually went to Newport on a course from work, but got the train to arrive nicely in the golden hour before sunrise, aiming to get some nice atmospheric shots reflecting over the river and started my walk along from the castle.

I had googled the night before and noticed the outline of the building, which happened to be not far from the cousre.After I had explored the place, I went to the course, being met with several strange looks due to my grubbiness from exploring.

Rather hard to get really decent shots as very dark inside. Useable exposures were a constant struggle....









First post....hope they are acceptable to folk?

Waeffe ¦)

This building is still standing and I can't remember it's history except that Abbey Auctions were based here in late 80s or early 90s. I believe it is likely to be demolished but not 100% sure. There were regular fires here over the years - as many old buildings in the area, often suspicious ie insurance jobs :)

Nice to see the photos as not been inside for 20 years or more
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This building is still standing and I can't remember it's history except that Abbey Auctions were based here in late 80s or early 90s. I believe it is likely to be demolished but not 100% sure. There were regular fires here over the years - as many old buildings in the area, often suspicious ie insurance jobs :)

Nice to see the photos as not been inside for 20 years or more

OOH...good to hear that, might plan another visit sometime soon, if you ever notice it taken down please let me know as it would save a trip then.
Rather hard to get really decent shots as very dark inside. Useable exposures were a constant struggle....

First post....hope they are acceptable to folk?

The way I see it, if the photos represent how it looked then yeh they are spot on. We dont always need/want photoshop ;)

Ok, its the old listed mill, i did have a report with full history on here from 2006. Its owned by John Collingbourne, who does own the auction. Its gade 1 listed, he did put a roof on it in 2009 but the travellers set fire to it, the tops of the walls are protected by sheets of tarp nailed onto the brick at the top, this only stops the rot of the cavity between the walls. There has been so many travellers living next to it in caravans over the years that everytime, JC tries to do any work on the building, they strip it. His current plan, which is listed with the planning part of the council is to turn it into a museam of the docks, but there is a hic up with Grants from the welsh assembly. If you want to take a look at his planniing request its all in the civic centre.