I was trying topost some pictures that i took of a abandoned rail station near where i live butcan't, i now assume that i can't post any pics until i have done a few posts or somethingso. I have been an avid reader of this site for a goodly while now nad enjoy what you all put on it so i thought i would have a go now insted of been just a watcher. do i have to do something to be able to put up a pic or 2/ I LIV IN THE WEST OF CO.LIMERICK IN IRELAND AND HAVE QUITE A FEW ABANDONED AND DERLICT STUFF NEAR WHERE WE LIVE AND HAVE FINALLY BORT A CAMRA AND WILL TRYAND DO SOME STUFF FOR OYUU ALL TO LOOK AT WHENI CAN FIGUR OUT HOW IT ALL WORK. iam new to post and have only used the pc for to read other folk work. hello to you all from me Faing i do hope to put up some snaps of some rail stuff and also i have a few old house near me that i can wander round and take for oyu.i live in a rural area that has lots of old stuff like castles an limekilns an an 1000yearold abbey 1 mile up the road and i used to have a castle in the bcak way of or old house but have moved now but still could picture it for oyu.please excuse my tspelling. GOOD LUCK< SLAINTE, Faing
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