West Park Asylum Sep 09 - Trip 2

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Veteran Member
Jun 14, 2009
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Feltham - West London
Few pictures from my second september trip to west park. Tried to get some places i had yet to do and only failed on the chapel due to the fact its impossible to get into unless you want to start breaking things, which i dont.

Anyway a few pictures... Visited with a first timer for trip 2 and he loved it.

Think i need a better camera for this to work properly

Proving the flash works on my camera, dark room and ward this one.

Body Freezer / Chiller in the mortuary. Doesent seem like many people visit the mortuary, which im not suprised by however i was suprised by the fact we didnt get caught, we walked from teh courtyard all the way round to admin on the main road doing the mort on route.

Temperate gauge still works!

Does anyone know how long ago the autopsy table went from the mortuary? And does anyone have a picture to show what it looked like, i was preety sure i had seen a photo in a report on this forum but i cant seem to find it now. Was disapointed to find it had gone :(
Nice pics mate..not seen these places yet....I too would like to see old pics of the slab and any of the Hall before the fire.
wheres the mortuary? is it where it staes on the map that is on site? i assumed that it was now the two houses just outside or part of the live bit.
I have 3 others that another member posted up a long time ago now. I would link you to the thread but it would be easier to just post them up than traul through all the west park search results

If theres interest in the others il post them up
I'd say post 'em up mate, loads of people will be interested in them, the one of the main hall is really good to see, I always imagined what it was like inside.

As for the mortuary, I've been in there a few times, and to be honest I reckon there never was a slab there, there is no obvious place for it to go, apart from right by the fridges, but that would have been to akward to move about in, it's only a small room. I wonder if that place was like a pathology lab, and the mortuary part has been demolished?
Right o, here we go then

Admin block, doesent it look nice!

From left to right we have Masefield, Kipling (college of nursing) and Jenner

The caption says waiting room, but its the room next to the main hall that has the vending machines down the back

There was one other picture in the thread but i didn't bother to save it as from memory it was a shot of part of the kitchens that didnt really interest me. It's on the forum in a thread called something like "West Park Historic" if you wan't to try and find it.

Finally i take no credit for these, Credit must go to who posted them originally!
Allstar - great find on those pics - great to see how this looked in it's prime, and to compare with recent shots

Also, a handle on the inside of a morgue door??!!
Great pictures Allstar, would you mind PM'ing me info on how to find the mortuary? It's the only place I haven't documented.
Also, a handle on the inside of a morgue door??!!

Yeah i thought that was a bit strange aswell!! I didnt fancy climbing in and shutting the door to check if it worked or not incase it wouldnt open again :lol:

Fly - have you made enough posts to do PM's yet? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to PM you. Soon as i can il let you know :)
Hey, no worries man, I went about 2 hours ago and ran into a couple of other explorers who pointed me straight there. I can't lie, it was a bit of a disappointment, but at least I've seen it now.

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